抓住本质 凸显字理 有效识字

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汉字是我们祖先智慧的结晶,是先祖留给我们的骄傲。汉字是世界上唯一内含字理且具有丰富文化内涵的文字,是古代劳动人民根据生产、生活的需要创造出来的,教师只有抓住汉字这一本质特点进行教学,识字教学才会有“质”的提高。 Chinese characters are the crystallization of the wisdom of our ancestors and the pride our ancestors have left for us. Chinese characters are the only words in the world that contain phonetic symbols and have rich cultural connotations. They are created by the working people of ancient times according to the needs of production and living. Only by seizing the essential characteristic of Chinese characters can Chinese characters be taught. Quality "improvement.
Soil water-retention characteristics at measurement scales are generally different from those at application scales, and there is scale disparity between them a
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Soil nutrient concentrations in the top soils from two paddy terraces were determined in order to investigate spatial distributions of soil nutrients along the
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英国剧场技师协会(Association of British Theatre Technicians,简称ABTT,成立于1961年)于1972年制作了第一部剧院设计和规划指南。在1986年修订后,成为任何涉及剧院建筑、