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[目的 /意义]从时空转向的角度,揭示古典目录学的近代境遇,并为分析传统文化的近代化转型提供基于书目的解释与说明。[方法 /过程]以图书、学术和目录的相互建构为视角,在中西目录学此消彼长的语境中系统梳理古典目录学的近代化历程。[结果 /结论]时间上“范围古今”与空间上“兼及天下”的古典目录学,最终仅著录“中国”“古代”的典籍;而西方目录学则成长为独步中西、超越时空的普世性体系,从而也为区域性和时间化的西方文明异化为世界性的普遍真理提供了书目体制上的学理铺垫。相应地,颠覆以西方为中心的目录学一元论话语,也是世界文明走向中西互补之健康生态的重要环节。 [Purpose / Significance] From the perspective of time and space, we reveal the modern situation of classical bibliography and provide bibliographical explanation and explanation for the analysis of the modernization of traditional culture. [Method / Process] From the perspective of the mutual construction of books, academic studies and catalogs, the modernization of classical bibliography is systematically reviewed in the context of the shift between Chinese and Western bibliography. [Results / Conclusions] The classical bibliography of “scope ancient and modern” and spatially “concurrently worldly” in time, finally only recorded the classics of “China” and “ancient”; however, western bibliography grew It is a universal system beyond the time and space of the Chinese and Western cultures and thus provides a theoretical basis for the bibliographic system to alienate the regionalized and time-consuming Western civilization into a universal universal truth. Accordingly, subverting the discourse of monistic discourse centered on the West is also an important part of the world civilization toward the healthy ecology of complementary Chinese and Western cultures.
Deep investigation boreholes in crystalline rock for site selection of repositories for high-level radioactive waste are proposed to be sealed by installing a s
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目的:探索成纤维细胞生长因子10(fibroblast growth factor 10,FGF10)对脂多糖(lipopolysaccharide,LPS)刺激下小胶质细胞BV2活化的影响。方法:小鼠BV2小胶质细胞用细胞培养基DME