Secretary’s Business Ethics

来源 :校园英语·上旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:keremslr
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  【Abstract】Secretary is a comprehensive, service, auxiliary and political job with high requests. The so-called secretary’s business ethics refers to the sum of all the secretary’s acts required to comply with professional responsibility, professional emotion, role orientation, discipline-obeying and ethics-obeying.The purpose of this paper is to present a good way to know the ethics that a secretary should own to act out perfectly.
  【Key words】ethics; secretaries; business ethics
  Ethics is the branch of philosophy that focuses on morality and the way in which moral while business ethics focuses on what constitutes right or wrong behavior in the world of business. Secretaries need to comply with the corresponding business ethics in addition to reasonable knowledge structure and skills.
  1. Diverse Business Ethics of Secretaries
  Secretary is put on special requirements because of its particularity including loyalty, confidentiality, integrity, Civility, justice, modesty etc.
  2. Specific Business Ethics of Secretaries
  2.1 In the first place, a secretary must be loyal.This kind of loyalty is required to fulfill the responsibilities of their job, to love their job and to do everything well.Secretaries should bear in mind that their own career orientation and the nature of the work so that they can do ordinary job with foot on the ground and be keen on their careers. For instance, Zhao Wei, the Secretary of former premier Zhou Enlai of the State Council, is regarded as a model of loyalty.Premier Zhou was busy, but Zhao Wei is always there to keep him company and give advice and suggestions whenever the Prime Minister meeting with thorny problems. His performance won the Premier Zhou’s affirmation and become one of the most important assistants for Premier Zhou.
  2.2 Confidentiality and credit play a vastly important part in secretary’s business ethics.
  Each a secretary personnel is supposed to keep to credit and secret because this is not only related to secretarial work discipline but more related to the practical interests of the unit. When the leader ask for relevant matters, the secretary should be on time to participate.Undoubtedly, the secretary, as an assistant of the leader, have more opportunities to contact some strictly secret documents and confidential matters. So the secretary personnel must abide by the professional ethics and discipline and obey the company’s secrets.   2.3 It is also very important for the secretary to be modest and impartial. They should keep a common heart in work, listen to the leader and accept other colleagues’ views. Secretarial staff should be strict with themselves, not for special care or treatment but a more qualified assistant.Secretaries must remain modest and prudent working style no matter to colleagues or other staffs and make equal consultations with other departments’ work, and listen to their opinions, in a timely manner to reflect to the leader. Being good at dealing with the coordination and contradiction between departments is also a very important ability for secretary.
  2.4 Last but not the least, compliance and integrity are significant opponents to secretary’s business ethics.Every one engaged in secretary occupation is to be law-abiding and honest because this is an important guarantee to the normal activities of the secretarial personnel’s occupation.Obeying the law means that the secretary personnel must comply with relevant laws, regulations, disciplines of occupation and professional activities. Integrity refers that secretaries are not allowed to accept bribes by taking advantage of their position.Conversely, they should be impartial honest and righteous.Only by ensuring honest administration can achieve respectable justice and law-abiding.And the secretary should set up the consciousness of public servant and own the correct outlook on world, on life and on value for not being driven by interests but bring the energy devoted to work and resist the bad influences in society by their own actions.
  3. Conclusion
  The business ethics is vital to the work of the Secretary. The contemporary secretary need to have loyal and faithful service, law-abiding, honesty and a series of professional ethics in order to better fulfill their work and better service for the leaders. Time is marching on, the quality of the Secretary is also supposed to develop.Hence the Secretary need only to continue studying hard to improve their moral and professional ethics and scientific and cultural level so that they can better adapt to society, and adapt to the post.Likewise, the Secretary’s business ethics should be enriched and updated with the development of the society.The method to deal with the problem should keep pace with the times, pioneering and innovative. The secretary should always keeping a clear mind and continuously improving the work ethic of the Secretary’s business ethics.
  [1]1994-2010 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House.
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