
来源 :中学英语之友·初一版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiongying1207
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  John is from England. He is a music teacher. I think he is a very interesting man. He does not like shoes. He hasn’t worn them for 18 years①.
  When he walks outside, many people look at him, but he doesn’t mind②. He says, “I think it is very good to walk without shoes on my feet. I go everywhere and people look at me all the time, but I don’t mind and my wife doesn’t mind either.”
  Notes:1.句意:他已经十八年没有穿过鞋了。2.mind v. 介意,在意
   1. He doesn’t wear shoes because ____.
   A. he is poor
   B. his feet are too big
   C. he doesn’t like to wear them
   D. he doesn’t have shoes
   2. Does he mind when people look at him outside? ____.
   A. Yes, he does B. No, he doesn’t C. We don’t know D. Yes, he mind
   3. Which sentence is an opinion? ____.
   A. John is from England
   B. I think he is a very interesting man
   C. I go everywhere
   D. My wife does not mind either
  闻名世界的Santa Claus’ House, 地处芬兰,每年源源不断的游客从世界各地涌向这里,以一睹圣诞老人的风采为快。在圣诞老人邮局里有各种充满童话色彩的邮票,贺卡和礼品等。
  Do you know Santa Claus’ village? It is in Finland. I went there with my mother in December. There was heavy snow, wooden① houses, evergreen② trees and a sledge③ there.
  You can also go to Santa’s post office. There are many beautiful postcards in it. You can buy some and send them to your friends. They will be very happy to see postcards from Santa’s village.
  Another interesting thing to do is to sit on the sledge pulled by the dogs. It is very exciting and the dogs are very kind too.
  Notes:1.wooden adj. 木制的2.evergreen adj. 常绿的 3.sledge n. 雪橇
   1. Where is Santa Claus’ village?
   2. Where can you get postcards in the
   Santa Claus’ village?
   3. What was the sledge pulled by?
  Hello, my name is Nicole, and I live in Australia. I think my country is the most beautiful country in the world. Do you know that Australia is the only country that is also a continent①? We have a wonderful, warm and sunny climate. Most of Australians live along the northeast and southwest coasts②. The middle of Australia is too dry. It is called “the outback③”.
  I have a pet kangaroo. His name is Joe. I think he is the cleverest animal in the world.
  Beef is the most popular meat. My favorite dish is mutton. It is meat from a sheep. Some native people eat insects.
  Notes:1.continent n. 洲;大陆 2.coast n. 海岸 3.outback n. 内地
   1. What pet does Nicole have? ____.
   A. A dog B. A sheep
   C. A kangaroo D. A cat
   2. What is the pet’s name? ____.
   A. Nicole B. Joe
   C. Bob D. We don’t know
   3. How many opinions are there in this
   passage? ____.
   A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four
   4. Which words can tell you that there are
   opinions in the passage? ____.
   A. Hello B. Do you know C. Too D. I think
  Round eyes, round head, round ears, round body!What is this lovely little animal?He looks like a bear; he’s a koala.
  People in Australia love koalas and take care of them. They build places for them to live safely. No one can kill them for their pretty fur(毛皮). When a koala is born, he has no fur. And he is not as big as your little toe(脚趾). The mother koala has a pocket in the front of her body. The baby goes into this warm pocket. There he stays for six months. The koala could not live without a special kind of tree. The tree gives him both his home and his food. For most of the day the koala sleeps in the tree.
   At night the koala looks for food. He may go miles to find it. He likes only the bark(树皮) and the leaves of the tree. He eats nothing else. He eats more than two pounds each night!
  How lovely the koalas really are!
  1. People in Australia ____.
   A. keep koalas in their homes
   B. put koalas in the tree
   C. build places for koalas to live safely
   D. keep baby koalas in their pockets
  2. After he is born, the baby koala lives
   in his mother’s pocket ____.
   A. for six days B. for six months
   C. for a night D. all his life
  3. Koala cannot live without a special
   kind of tree because ____.
   A. they have to keep cool under the
   B. they eat the fruit on the tree
   C. they stay in the tree all the time
   D. they live in the tree and get food
   from it
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在做汤汁浓厚的菜肴时,很多人总是会发愁怎么洗锅。酱油、糖和油混合在一起加热,就会形成厚厚黏黏的酱汁,有的时候,还会糊在锅底。每次洗锅,都把洗碗布弄得很油很脏,而且还费时费水。下面分享个废物利用的方法,您可以试试看。  橘子是咱们常吃的水果,大多数人都会直接扔掉橘皮,怪可惜的。您不妨把橘皮放进冰箱里,这样的话,不仅可以去除冰箱里的味道,在我们需要洗锅的时候,随手拿出一个废橘皮就能帮忙啦!  ◎剥橘子
新课程标准指出 :数学教学 ,要紧密联系学生的生活实际 ,从学生的生活经验和已有知识出发 ,创设生动有趣的情境 ,引导学生开展观察、操作、猜想、推理、交流等活动 ,使学生养