Respect to the Tradition or Saliency to the Might?——Analysis of the Naming Mechanism of British-Amer

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This paper analyzes the positions and developing situation of the USA and the UK in the field of journalism by statistical comparison of titles consisting “American and British”or“British and American”in 28 teaching materials and other publications concerning newspapers and periodicals; based on the order principle of compound nouns,this paper further explores the naming mechanism of“American and British”and“British and American”newspapers periodicals. This paper analyzes the positions and the developing situation of the USA and the UK in the field of journalism by statistical comparison of titles consisting of “American and British” or “British and American” in 28 teaching materials and other publications concerning newspapers and periodicals; based on the order principle of compound nouns, this paper further explores the naming mechanism of “American and British ” and “British and American ” newspapers periodicals.
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各位领导、各位来宾、各位会员代表、女士们、先生们: 我代表第一届理事会作修改协会章程的报告,请大家审议。 一、四年来协会章程执行情况的简要回顾 1992年12月10日中国安
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