Experimental Studies on Condensation Heat Transferof the Moist Air outside the Horizontal Circular P

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:skyedge228
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This paper presents the structure design of four kinds of circular pipes with porous layer and the experimental resultsof condensation heat transfer of the moist air outSide the horizontal choular pipes. By comparison with theexperiments on bare Pipes, it is concluded that, the designed pipes not only have good condensation heattransfer Performance, but also have the ability to collect and remove condensed liquid under zero gravity. They canbe aPPlied to the thermal control system for future large spacecraft. This paper presents the structure design of four kinds of circular pipes with porous layer and the experimental resultsof condensation heat transfer of the moist air outSide the horizontal choular pipes. By comparison with theexperiments on bare Pipes, it iswhere that, the designed pipes not only have good condensation heattransfer Performance, but also have the ability to collect and remove condensed liquid under zero gravity. They canbe aPPlied to the thermal control system for future large spacecraft.
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虽然本次直升机大阅兵已经过半,但大家一定还很期待下面要出场的“士兵们”吧!接下来要出场的都是来自美国的“兵种”。作为军事强国,美国在直升机方面的实力也是处于世界领先水平的!看,它们来啦。  第一个出现的编队是由最早服役的直升机——R-4组成。1939年9月14日,世界上第一架实用型直升机VS-300在美国诞生。仅仅过了一年,美国陆军就购买了它的改进型VS-316直升机为军队服役,编号R-4。于是,