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《市场社会主义:历史、理论与模式》(经济日报出版社2008年出版),是余文烈主持完成的国家课题的成果,是这个领域研究的一部杰出之作,在研究方法、研究视角、理论创新等方面都有独到之处,颇有学术价值。 1.历史线索简明清晰,资料丰富翔实。市场社会主义是历史跨度很长、内容比较复杂的思潮,其概念也比较模糊,该书作者经过整理研究把它们梳理得井井有条,让人读来一目了然。该书把市场社会主义的历史,按照对社会主义与市场能否结合、怎样有机结合问题认识的深度,划分为四个历史阶段,使历史线条简明清晰。这四个历史阶段,第一是20世纪30年代产生并在此后获得补充的计划模拟市场的“兰格模式”的市场社会主义;第二是20世纪60~70年代产生的计划与市场并存、决策权分散的“分权模式”的市场社会主义,在实践上包括南斯拉 “Market Socialism: History, Theory and Patterns” (published by Economic Daily Press, 2008) is the result of a national project co-chaired by Yu Wenlie and an outstanding work in this field. In terms of research methods, research perspectives and theories Innovation and other aspects are unique, quite academic value. 1. Historical clues concise, informative and informative. Market socialism is a trend of thought that has a long history and complicated content. Its concept is rather vague. The author of this book, after finishing studies, organizes them in an organized manner and makes them read at a glance. The book divides the history of market socialism into four historical stages in accordance with the depth of understanding whether or not socialism and the market can be integrated and how organic integration should be made, so as to make the historical lines clear and concise. The first of these four historical stages is the “Lange model” of market socialism in the simulated market that was created in the 1930s and supplemented thereafter; and the second is the plan and market generated in the 1960s and 1970s The coexistence of decentralized decision-making “market-oriented decentralization model ” of market socialism, in practice, including Yugoslavia
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