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第二轮复习是建立在第一轮复习基础上的深入、综合和提高,是实现由知识到能力转化的一个重要阶段。目标是重组知识、训练技能、查漏补缺、完善体系,重点是针对第一轮复习中学生的不足,构建应用性知识体系,并针对考纲中高考要求和高考题型重点复习。 The second round of review is based on the first round of review based on the depth, synthesis and improvement, is to achieve the transformation from knowledge to ability is an important stage. The goal is to reorganize the knowledge, training skills, leakages and deficiencies, improve the system, focusing on the first round of review of the inadequacies of middle school students to build an application of knowledge system, and for the college entrance examination requirements and the college entrance examination exam questions.
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Miyun County, located in the northeast of Chinese capital Beijing, was underwent remarkable variations in land use in recent years. This paper aimed to detect c
With intensified contradiction between the rapid devel- opment of modem industry and the carrying capacity of natural environment, coordinating the relationship
我想 给秋天打个电话 如果接电话的是松鼠 多好 如果接电话的是青蛙 也好
Shandong Peninsula, as a more developed region in Shandong Province even the east coast of China, is facing challenges from resources and environment pressures.
On the basis of the earthquake (gL I〉3.0) catalog in North China from 1970 to 2009, the pattern of temporal and spatial distribution of medium-small earthquake