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知识创新工程试点启动以来,我所根据当今世界化学科学的发展趋势和我国国民经济及科技事业发展的需求,按照院的总体部署,结合本所实际情况,以加强原始创新为主题,以凝练科技目标为导向,以结构调整和转变机制为切入点,以建设高素质创新队伍为重点,不断开拓进取,扎实工作,为在全面推进阶段进一步做出基础性、战略性和前瞻性的重大创新贡献、建设国际一流的分子科学中心奠定了坚实的基础。一、凝练科技创新目标,明确自身战略定位世纪之交,化学发展日新月异,合成与制备化学、分子反应动态学和结构化学、分子聚集体化学等已成为21世纪十分活跃的前沿领域;化学与其它学科交叉融合,纳米科技、化学生物学、绿色化学等新兴学科领域已成为研究热点;从化学基础研究的重大突破到 According to the development trend of chemical science in the world today and the development of national economy and science and technology in our country, in accordance with the overall plan of the hospital and the actual situation of our institute, with the theme of strengthening original innovation and practicing science and technology With the goal as orientation, taking structural adjustment and transformation mechanism as the starting point, focusing on building a contingent of high-quality innovative personnel, constantly making progress and solid work, and making further major contribution to basic, strategic and forward-looking innovation in the all-round promotion phase , Building a world-class molecular science center has laid a solid foundation. First, the goal of scientific and technological innovation, a clear strategic positioning At the turn of the century, with the rapid development of chemistry, synthesis and preparation of chemistry, molecular dynamics and structural chemistry, molecular aggregation chemistry has become a very active 21st century frontier; chemistry and other Interdisciplinary integration, nanotechnology, chemical biology, green chemistry and other emerging disciplines has become a research focus; from a major breakthrough in basic chemical research to
以“21世纪科技进步与中国现代化”为主题的“首届中国科学家论坛”近日在京召开,本届论坛的宗旨是以“三个代表”重要思想为指导,在科技迅猛发展和我国加入 WTO 的新形势下,
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人类到一定年龄停止长新牙。不过美国研究人员研究发现,一种人体基因可能帮助人类根据需要生长新牙,使完全告别假牙成为可能。 Human to a certain age to stop long new te