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长春市义大机械翻砂厂经理胡占波先生经营铁工业已经二十三年了。出席这次省人民代表会前,在长春市第二次人民代表会上曾被选为长春市人民政府委员。记者去访问他的时候,他说他从前对政治问题是不感觉兴趣的,可是从长春解放以后,看到了人民政府的工作处处都是从广大人民群众的利益出发,知道这是真正的人民自己的政府了。于是他开始兴致勃勃的出席政府召集的各种会议,协助政府的工作。他说:『在我听要我出席这次省的人民代表会议,简直是高兴极了。我听周主席在报告一九四九年的政府工作,要求代表对政府工作加以审查、批评时,我再一次感到:只有今天人民自己的政府,才对人民这样负责。』接着,话题转到他经营的义大铁工厂上去,他说:『在长春解放以后,我们是最先一家开始营业的。在人民政府的保护下工厂有了很大的发展,解放当时仅有十几个工人,三台床子,十五马力;到现在:有六十多马力动力,十六台床子全活动了,已经是有七十九个的工厂了。』它的发展是直接得到长春市人民政府的帮助的 Mr. Hu Zhanbo, Manager of Changchun Yida Disposing Factory, has been operating the iron industry for twenty-three years. Prior to attending the Provincial People’s Congress, Changchun Municipal People’s Government was elected as the member of the Second People’s Congress of Changchun City. When the reporter visited him, he said that he had no previous interest in political issues. However, after the liberation of Changchun, he saw that the work of the people’s government runs from the interests of the broad masses of the people and knows that it is the real people themselves The government. So he began to enthusiastically attend the government convened various meetings to assist the government’s work. He said: “I was very happy when I heard that I should attend the people’s deputies’ meeting in this province. In listening to Chairman Zhou’s report on the work of the government in 1949 and asking the delegates to review and criticize the work of the government, I once again feel: Only the people’s own government today are responsible to the people. ”Then he went to the Yip Tai factory he ran. He said:" After the liberation of Changchun, we were the first to start business. Under the protection of the people’s government, the factory has made great progress. At that time, there were only a dozen workers and three beds at the time of liberation. At present, there were more than 60 horsepower and all 16 beds were in full operation. There are seventy-nine factories. Its development is directly assisted by the Changchun Municipal People’s Government
一提起李鸿章 ,有人恨得咬牙切齿 ,有人则稍有同情之心 ,而众多史家对其亦褒贬不一 ,莫衷一是。梁启超称其为“数千年中国历史上一人物” ,“十九世纪世界历史上一人物”。曾
一九八二年四月一日请示悉。同意你省将新密矿区所在地密县的来集公社和城关公 April 1, 1982 Please explain. I agree that you will set the commune and Chenguanggong
咯血是老年肺结核最常见的症状之一。因老年人与青年人在生理特点上有所不同 ,所以 ,老年肺结核咯血有其特点 ,在治疗上也与青年人咯血有所不同。1 临床资料1 1 一般资料