
来源 :现代中西医结合杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kaifawendang06
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我院是综合性医院,门急诊病人多,诊治前都要先测体温。我院应用NQ—12型(皮肤)传感器测沮仪于门急诊测成人和小儿体温已15年之久,有如下体会。 NQ—12型(皮肤)传感器测沮仪是采用热敏电阻作为感温元件,干电池作为仪表电源(1.5伏),其原理当温度测量时,由于热敏电阻阻值变化,使电桥失去平衡,在表头两端产生电压,表头指针指示量测的温度值。测量部位,在颈动脉锁骨上缘(左或右),测量时间一般只需要5秒钟。病人无不适感觉。 安全:口腔测量,不注意咬破,水银咽下去是有害的,肛表测量,滑进肛门也不安全,仪器测是绝对安全的。 Our hospital is a comprehensive hospital. There are many emergency patients and the body temperature must be measured before treatment. Our institute applied the NQ-12 type (skin) sensor to measure the judging device. The body temperature of adults and children has been measured for 15 years. There is the following experience. The NQ-12 type (skin) sensor measures the judging instrument using the thermistor as the temperature sensing element and the dry battery as the instrument power supply (1.5 volts). When the temperature is measured, the bridge loses its balance due to the change of the thermistor resistance. Voltage is generated at both ends of the meter and the meter pointer indicates the measured temperature. Measurement site, in the upper edge of the carotid clavicle (left or right), the measurement time generally only takes 5 seconds. No discomfort to the patient. Safety: Oral measurement, not paying attention to bite, mercury is harmful to swallow, anal watch measurement, slip into the anus is not safe, the instrument is absolutely safe.
2010年被英国艺术杂志《Art Review》选为全球艺坛最有影响力的拉里·高古轩(Larry Gagosian),其画廊帝国高古轩今年一月于香港中环毕打行开设亚洲首间画廊,重点发展亚洲 Se
深昏迷合并舌根后坠患者插胃管方法ApproachtoGastricIntubationofPatientsWithDepthComaandFalingBackoftheTonqueRoot周燕①ZhouYan(NationalHospitalofZ... Deep coma combined with tongue and back drop patients stomach tube methodApproachtoGastricIntubationofPa-tientsWith
二.担.、.啦|室︸下|花六万·l~卜任2只4毕型1祥占占5 32。灸术豆呀花,。升在啦啦啦啦啦,占占我禾口脚儿讨角刁,刘似习万3去多尧J一朵鱼止食的些丝}!一!啦啦啦啦啦,这‘有白.勺
测定食管癌患者血液中与自由基反应有关的微量元素 (Se,Cu,Zn,Mn,Cd)、维生素、超氧化物歧化酶、谷胱苷肽过氧化酶、丙二醛等 13种生化指标 ,并进行因子分析 ,建立因子对变量