为促进我国锅炉和焊接行业的国际合作,更快更好地提高行业水平,“第四届国际锅炉、压力容器制造技术、设备和焊接展览会”(简称IBWE’93)将于1993年10月27日至31日在北京中国国际展览中心举行。届时将有来自欧美和亚太地区的一百多家厂商在展览会上展出国际锅炉、压力容器、焊接设备和无损检测技术及设备的最新成就,展出面积近3000平方米。 IBWE’93的主办者以国内外结合、技贸结合、进出口结合为宗旨,把国内贸易、订货
In order to promote the international cooperation of boiler and welding industry in our country and raise the level of the industry faster and better, the 4th International Exhibition on Manufacturing Technology, Equipment and Welding of Boiler and Pressure Vessels (IBWE’93) will be held in October 1993 27 to 31 held in Beijing China International Exhibition Center. At that time, more than 100 manufacturers from Europe, the United States and the Asia Pacific region will exhibit the latest achievements of international boilers, pressure vessels, welding equipment and non-destructive testing technologies and equipment at the exhibition with an exhibition area of nearly 3,000 square meters. IBWE’93 sponsors at home and abroad with the combination of technology with the import and export for the purpose of combining domestic trade, ordering