音响技术带来的意外 对高分辨率产品广告宣传的剖析

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2005年8月底,飞利浦公司的网上商店提供“杀手级”优惠:3 PSC805 Aurllium 5.1声道外部音响处理器比以前的50美元要价便宜60%。在包含的硬件方面,20美元外加销售税和免费发货会换来什么?如果您依赖于该公司以前的DSP和该产品的文档,那么事情并非您认为的那样。在20美元(甚至50美元)的价格,PSC805不是一笔坏交易,但不要把它和配置很低或运行Windows 2000之前操作系统的PC配对使用,也不要指望依靠它来准确记录您的下一个高分辨率音频杰作。 At the end of August 2005, Philips’ online store offered “killer” deals: the 3 PSC805 Aurllium 5.1-channel external audio processor was 60% cheaper than the previous $ 50 asking price. What about the $ 20 plus sales tax and free shipping on the included hardware? If you rely on the company’s previous DSPs and the documentation for that product, things are not what you think. At a price of $ 20 (or even $ 50), the PSC805 is not a bad deal, but do not pair it with a PC that is low profile or pre-Windows 2000 operating systems and do not expect to rely on it to accurately record your next High-resolution audio masterpiece.
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