创造优良品质 净化市场环境——关于市场环境及行业发展的讨论

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家用热水器技术的发展日新月异,安全、耐用、节能、智能化已经成为直接影响热水器综合品质的主要因素,直接关系着消费者的利益。随着市场的成熟,消费者对热水器的综合品质及各项技术的要求也会越来越高。然而热水器现代技术的进步需要优秀企业来研发与推动。摒弃粗制滥造,倡导先进技术,创造优良品质,净化热水器市场,已经成为今后行业健康发展的必然要求。为此,在全行业内进行现代技术应用问题的讨论势在必行。 热水器行业横跨电力、燃气、太阳能三大领域,市场有分有合,既可以相互替代,又可以相互补充,需要建立横向联系;同时,现在市场环境不尽理想,优胜劣汰体系、国际性标准还没有完全建立起来,市场规范尚有距离,需要行业组织参与协调。 在全国交电商品科技经济情报中心站根据行业特点和企业要求,牵头召开的“家用热水器现代技术应用高峰论坛”和“中国热水器行业协会筹备工作会议”上,与会代表围绕上述企业与行业关注的焦点进行了热烈的讨论,尤其是针对现代热水器的技术问题,各参会代表纷纷介绍了各自在研发中取得的最新成果。虽然,有些还有待于市场的体验,但是其创新之处也颇得业内的好评。本刊分三大部分:一、探讨研发正确方向,共推行业建康发展;二、关于行业协会的意见和建议;三、热水器现代技术专题 The rapid development of household water heater technology, safety, durability, energy saving, intelligent water heater has become a direct impact on the overall quality of the main factors directly related to the interests of consumers. With the maturity of the market, consumers’ overall quality of water heaters and various technical requirements will be higher and higher. However, the progress of modern water heater technology needs excellent companies to research and development and promotion. Abandon the shoddy, promote advanced technology, create good quality, clean water heater market, has become the inevitable requirement for the healthy development of the industry in the future. Therefore, discussions on the application of modern technology in the whole industry are imperative. Water heater industry across the three fields of electricity, gas, solar energy, the market has a combination of both can replace each other, but also complement each other, the need to establish horizontal ties; the same time, the market environment is not ideal, the survival of the fittest system, the international standards also Not fully established, the market norms there is a distance, the need for industry organizations to participate in the coordination. At the National Economic and Trade Information Center of Commodity Technology Economic Intelligence Station, according to the characteristics of the industry and the requirements of the enterprises, the “Summit on Application of Modern Technology for Household Water Heaters” and the “Preparatory Work Meeting for China’s Water Heater Industry Association” took the lead in attending the conference. Focus was heated discussion, especially for the technical problems of modern water heaters, all participants have introduced their latest achievements in research and development. Although some are yet to be experienced in the marketplace, their innovations are well received in the industry. The magazine is divided into three parts: First, to explore the correct direction of R & D, a total of promoting the development of the industry Jiankang; Second, on the views of industry associations and recommendations; Third, the modern water heater technology topics
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