文道结合 两全齐美——转化学生思想工作实践点滴

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在十几年的班主任工作和教学的实践中,我体会到,坚持不懈地对学生进行思想品德教育与努力提高学生的学习成绩,二者密不可分,只要方法科学得当,就可以达到文道统一的目的.近五年来,我在这方面又作了进一步的探索实践,并逐步探索出一些行之有效的方法,即坚持搞好三个结合:一、顺应学生心理,循循诱导,课外与课内结合.学生常把“理解万岁”挂在口头,那么我就先去理解他们.学生不喜欢老师板着面孔训人,我就以平等、友好的态度同他们谈心、讨论;学生把心里话掏出来,我以朋友身份谈看法,说体会,从不勉强他们接受,然而我的观点却潜移默化地在学生的思想和行动中产生了明显的影响,使他们认清了问题,提高了辩别是非的能力;学生想玩,我就在课余带着他们玩,开展丰富有趣的文体活动,把思想教育寓于娱乐之中.如在一次拨河比赛中,失败的一组同学相互埋怨,争执半天也只是发泄一 In more than ten years of work as a teacher in the class and teaching practice, I have learned that persistently ideological and moral education for students and efforts to improve students’ academic performance are inseparable. As long as the methods are properly scienceed, we can achieve unified unity. In the past five years, I have further explored and practiced in this area, and gradually explored some effective methods, that is, persist in doing a good job of the three combinations: First, follow the students’ psychology, follow the instructions, and extracurricular In the lesson, students often verbally comprehend “Long live comprehension.” Then I will first understand them. The students do not like the teacher with his face and instruct people. I will talk and discuss with them in an equal and friendly manner; When my words came out, I talked as a friend and said that I was never forced to accept them. However, my views have subtly influenced students’ thoughts and actions so that they clearly understand the issues and raise the level of debate. There is nothing wrong with the ability; students want to play, I will play with them in class, carry out rich and interesting cultural and sports activities, and put ideological education in the entertainment. For example, in a river race, a group of students who failed Mutual blame, just to vent a dispute for a long time
病例报告胡某,女性,22岁。患者1982年2月因精神刺激后出现言语、举动异常,被绍兴市精神病 Case report Humou, female, 22 years old. Patients in February 1982 due to m
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