Fenton Reagent Generated in Electrolysis Cell and Its Usage in Degradation and Decolorization of Dye

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The Electro-chemistry process to produce Fenton reagents has been described. The in situ oxidation of dyes, acid chrome and alizarin red(Fenton reagents) with electrogenerated hydroxyl radicals was investigated. The { I-V } cyclic voltammograms were measured. The redox peaks of the dyes were not observed in the treated dye solutions instead of a couple of O_2/H_2O_2 redox peaks. The IR results indicate that acid chrome dye was decomposed into naphthylamine and phenol aminophenol sulfonic acid. The degradation and the decolorization of the dyes were comfirmed by the visible spectrum and the chemical analysis. The COD_ cr removing rate was close to 80%. The Electro-chemistry process to produce Fenton reagents has been described. The in situ oxidation of dyes, acid chrome and alizarin red (Fenton reagents) with electrogenerated hydroxyl radicals was investigated. The {IV cyclic voltammograms were measured. The redox peaks of the dyes were not observed in the treated dye solutions instead of a couple of O_2 / H_2O_2 redox peaks. The IR results indicate that acid chrome dye was decomposed into naphthylamine and phenol aminophenol sulfonic acid. The degradation and the decolorization of the dyes were comfirmed by the visible spectrum and the chemical analysis. The COD_cr removal rate was close to 80%.
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