
来源 :现代传播-北京广播学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Augustin413
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在上一个世纪,马克思提出了“历史向世界历史转变”理论,其主要内涵包括,所谓世界历史并不是一开始就有的,它是经过“转变”发展,在历史发展的一定阶段才产生的,当日益完善的生产方式、交往等使各民族的原始闭关自守状态消灭得愈来愈彻底,当各民族相互影响的活动范围愈来愈扩大,历史就在愈来愈大的程度上成为全世界的历史;自世界市场出现之日起,个别国家与世界的关系已不再是个别与一般的关系,而是日益转化为有机整体与有机构成部分的关系,世界历史本身就是一个多样性的有机统一体;每一个单独的个人的解放的程度是与历史完全转变为世界历史的程度一致的。从这一整体史观的角度,我们很容易发现存在于新闻史研究中的思想方法缺失,诸如在体例上以政治运动的分期来排列史实,从而使新闻史变成囿于民族范围内的阶级斗争史或政治思想史;习惯于把中国新闻史当作纯粹地域新闻史对待,极少放到世界新闻发展体系上考察;新闻史研究缺少比较史学的方法,不能从整个人类新闻传播史中一直撞击着人类的那些永恒的问题中寻找历史的意义,也不能挖掘出中国新闻史中民族性、特殊性的因素,等等。那么,怎样去整体考察中国新闻业的历史发展与未来走向呢?文章认为,首先应该构建马克思所说的“世界历史”? In the last century, Marx put forward the theory that “history should be changed to world history”. Its main connotation is that the so-called world history does not start from the very beginning. It is a result of the “transformation” of development and the development of history at a certain stage As the increasingly perfect mode of production and exchanges have eradicated the primitive retreat of all ethnic groups more and more thoroughly, as the scope of the mutual activities of various ethnic groups has expanded, the history has become an increasingly important part of the world Since the emergence of the world market, the relations between individual countries and the world have ceased to be individual and general relations, but are increasingly transformed into the relationship between the organic whole and the organic components. World history itself is a diverse and organic Unity; the degree of liberation of each individual individual is consistent with the degree to which history is completely transformed into the history of the world. From this perspective of holistic history, we can easily find out that there is a lack of ways of thinking and thinking existing in the study of the history of the news, such as systematically arranging historical facts by stages of the political movement so that the history of news becomes a category within the national scope History of struggle or the history of political thought; accustomed to the Chinese news history as a purely regional news history, rarely on the world news development system; history of journalism lacks the method of comparative history, can not be from the entire history of human journalism has been It is impossible to find out the significance of history in those eternal questions that hit mankind. Nor can we dig out the factors of nationality and particularity in the history of Chinese news, and so on. So, how to examine the overall history of China’s news industry and the future trend? The article holds that, first of all, should Marx build “world history”?