A Bayesian Recommender Model for User Rating and Review Profiling

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Intuitively, not only do ratings include abundant information for learning user preferences, but also reviews accompanied by ratings. However, most existing recommender systems take rating scores for granted and discard the wealth of information in accompanying reviews. In this paper, in order to exploit user profiles’ information embedded in both ratings and reviews exhaustively, we propose a Bayesian model that links a traditional Collaborative Filtering(CF) technique with a topic model seamlessly. By employing a topic model with the review text and aligning user review topics with “user attitudes”(i.e., abstract rating patterns) over the same distribution, our method achieves greater accuracy than the traditional approach on the rating prediction task. Moreover, with review text information involved, latent user rating attitudes are interpretable and “cold-start” problem can be alleviated.This property qualifies our method for serving as a “recommender” task with very sparse datasets. Furthermore,unlike most related works, we treat each review as a document, not all reviews of each user or item together as one document, to fully exploit the reviews’ information. Experimental results on 25 real-world datasets demonstrate the superiority of our model over state-of-the-art methods. Intuitively, not only do ratings include include information for learning user preferences, but also for comparison by by ratings. However, most existing recommender systems take rating scores for granted and discard the wealth of information in accompanying reviews. In this paper, in order to exploit user profiles’ information embedded in both ratings and reviews exhaustively, we propose a Bayesian model that links a traditional Collaborative Filtering (CF) technique with a topic model seamlessly. By employing a topic model with the review text and aligning user review topics with “ user attitudes ”(ie, abstract rating patterns) over the same distribution, our method achieves greater accuracy than the traditional approach on the rating prediction task. Moreover, with review text information involved, latent user rating attitudes are interpretable and “ cold- start ”problem can be alleviated.This property qualifies our method for serving as a “ recommender ”task with very sparse d atasets. Moreover, unlike most related works, we treat each review as a document, not all reviews of each user or item together as one document, to fully exploit the reviews’ information. our model over state-of-the-art methods.
摘 要:教与学是师生双向行为,教要得法,学要主动。少教多学理念是当代科学的教育理念,能有效激发学习者的学习兴趣、培养学生主体意识和合作探究能力。中学历史教师要切实转变教育理念,提高专业素质,培养学生的良好学习习惯,学校要给予从上而下的支持,这样才能提高历史教学效率,发展学生的历史学科素养。  关键词:少教多学;历史教学;有效  历史学是人文社会学科,具有传承人类文明共同遗产,提高公民文化素质的功能
摘 要:我国高中历史教学借助了古往今来的历史材料令学生对国家、世界的发展历程有较为全面的认识,从而培养学生的思维,提高其科学分析能力。历史感可以说是学生对历史的一种自我感受,也是对历史的态度。因此在进行学生历史感的培养时要注重学生历史素养的提升,通过合理的教学方式再辅以直观、真实的文献史料进行教学。例如在课堂上增强学生对历史的体验,使学生更为清楚地去了解认识某些历史事件,获得十分深刻的感悟。  关