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这是一个越咀嚼越有滋味的原始古陆。亿万年的沧桑,像油画堆砌的色彩晃眼。浓缩了古地质史、古生物史、古人类史的风神骨气,她本身就是一篇美丽的童话,散发着花香的气息。三万年前,生活在鄂尔多斯大地上的人类祖先河套人,抛出了古老灿烂的“河套文化”之锚。从此,文明从一匹黑骏马的晨嘶中拉出,从一片马莲花叶子上滚落。远远的草原上传来一阵又一阵凄清而苍凉的歌声,是谁在那里歌唱?又是谁的身影在草原深处晃 This is a more ancient taste of the ancient land chew. Hundreds of millions of years of vicissitudes of life, like the color of oil piled dazzling. Concentration of the ancient geological history, paleontology history, ancient human history Fengshen skeleton, she is a beautiful fairy tale, exudes floral flavor. Thirty thousand years ago, the ancestors of the human ancestry who lived on the earth in Ordos threw out the ancient and splendid anchor of “Hetu culture.” Since then, civilization pulled out from the morning cries of a black horse, rolled from the leaves of a horse lotus. Far from the prairie up and down a while desolate and desolation of the song, who is there to sing? Whose figure is in the grasslands Akira Akira
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Q编辑同志:我院依法受理了甲、乙、丙故意伤害一案,对三被告人依法可能判处3年以下有期徒刑。三被告人均自愿认罪,因第一被告人甲系本案主 Q Editorial Comrades: Our Court
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