健全水土保持工作机构 搞好分工协作

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建国以来,我省水土保持工作取得了一定的成绩,各地都有一批水土保持好的典型,并且积累了不少成功的经验。但由于一些地方滥用自然资源现象仍很严重,水土流失面积仍在不断扩大,而且大大超过了治理速度。目前,全省水土流失面积已达5,753万亩,比建国初期增加了2.5倍,如不及时采取有力措施,加强水土流失的防治工作,势将继续恶化生态环境,造成难以挽回的损失。为了切实贯彻执行国务院发布的《水土保持工作条例》,更好地保护和利用我省丰富的水土资源,减少水旱灾害,建立良好的生态环境,现特就建立、健全水土保持工作机构及其任务等有关问题作如下通知: 一、现已恢复水土保持委员会及其办事机构的地、县,在机构改革中,对水土保持机构应予 Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, a certain amount of achievements have been made in soil and water conservation work in our province. There are a number of typical examples of good soil and water conservation all over the country and many successful experiences have been accumulated. However, due to the serious abuse of natural resources in some places, the area of ​​water and soil erosion is still growing and greatly exceeds the speed of governance. At present, the province’s soil erosion area has reached 5,753 mu, an increase of 2.5 times that of the early days of the founding of the People’s Republic. If strong measures are not taken in time to strengthen prevention and control of soil and water loss, the situation will continue to deteriorate the ecological environment and cause irreparable damage. In order to earnestly implement the “Soil and Water Conservation Working Regulations” promulgated by the State Council, better protect and utilize the abundant water and soil resources in our province, reduce floods and droughts and establish a good ecological environment, we hereby establish and improve the soil and water conservation agencies and their Tasks and other issues related to the following notice: First, has now resumed the Soil and Water Conservation Commission and its offices of the prefectures and counties in the institutional reform, the water and soil conservation agencies should be
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