Study of A Geo-Acoustic Model of Gas-Bearing Sediment and Its Application in Sediment with Low Acous

来源 :China Ocean Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhuguangpo123
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A new geo-acoustic model for gas-bearing sediment is proposed based on the work of Dvorkin and Prasad,and Biot theory.Only five geophysical parameters:sediment mineral composition,free gas saturation,tortuosity(also known as the structure factor),permeability,and porosity,are considered in the model.A benefit of this model is that we need only five parameters instead of ten parameters in the Biot’s formulas for acoustic velocity and attenuation calculation.Here the model is demonstrated with the in-situ experimental data collected from the Hangzhou Bay,China.The results of this study suggest that free gas content in sediment is the most critical condition resulting in a low acoustic velocity(compressional wave).The respective contributions of the other four parameters in the model are also discussed. A new geo-acoustic model for gas-bearing sediment is proposed based on the work of Dvorkin and Prasad, and Biot theory. Of five geophysical parameters: sediment mineral composition, free gas saturation, tortuosity (also known as the structure factor), permeability , and porosity, are considered in the model. A benefit of this model is that we we need only five parameters instead of ten parameters in the Biot’s formulas for acoustic velocity and attenuation calculation. Here the model is demonstrated with the in-situ experimental data collected from the Hangzhou Bay, China. The results of this study suggest that free gas content in sediment is the most critical condition resulting in a low acoustic velocity (compressional wave). The may contributions of the other four parameters in the model are also discussed.
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【设计说明】  人教版九年级第六单元25课《词五首》选取了温庭筠《望江南》、范仲淹《渔家傲·秋思》、苏轼《江城子·密州出猎》、李清照《武陵春》、辛弃疾《破阵子·为陈同甫赋壮词以寄之》五首词,这是学生第一次系统地接触词作。无论我们采用何种标准,温庭筠的《望江南》和李清照的《武陵春》几乎都会被划归为一类。对于这两首词的整合学习,特级教师王君早已珠玉在前,用“愁”字串联,干净利落地呈现出漂亮而大气的教学
《中国水土保持》杂志于 1980年创刊 ,到今年 8月整整 2 0周年了。这 2 0年来 ,正值我国改革开放并取得辉煌成就的年代 ,各项事业突飞猛进 ,综合国力显著提高。我国水土保持
地处我国西部腹地的成都地图出版社 ,迎着市场风浪 ,已走过了15年的风雨历程。15年来 ,他们硬是凭着自己的努力 ,以顽强的毅力和拼搏精神 ,历经一路艰辛 ,创下了一路不平凡的业绩