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今年是邓小平《在武昌、深圳、珠海、上海等地的谈话要点》发表10周年。10年来,新洲区始终坚持解放思想,实事求是的思想路线,按照江总书记“三个代表”重要思想的要求,不断学习和借鉴沿海发达地区的经验,积极探索出一条以开放促开发、以开发促发展的新路,促进了区域经济的跨越式发展。1.把解放思想、更新观念放在首位,以开放促开发、以开发促 This year marks the 10th anniversary of Deng Xiaoping’s keynote address in Wuchang, Shenzhen, Zhuhai and Shanghai. In the past 10 years, Xinzhou District has always adhered to the ideological line of emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts. According to General Secretary Jiang’s important “three represents” requirements, it constantly learned and learned from the experience of the developed coastal areas and actively explored an open, The development of a new road to development has promoted the leapfrog development of the regional economy. 1. Emancipate the mind, update the concept of the first place, with the promotion of open development to promote development
地处山东省西部的冠县,是国家财政部确定的27个财政困难县之一。近年来,冠县县委、县政府在小财政、弱经济的条件下,把改善民生作为建设和谐幸福新冠县的突破口,新增财力75%以上用于改善民生,营造了和谐稳定的好环境。  针对百姓吃水难,冠县累计投资1.1亿元,于2006年实现村村通自来水,几十万百姓从此告别了长年喝苦咸水的历史。针对百姓出行难,近年来投资2.4亿元,建成以乡镇驻地为中心,辐射所有村庄的“
The reduction of 2,3-epoxy alcohol, prepared from the Sharpless asymmetric epoxidation, with the system of Ph3P, iodine, iwhdazole, 2,6-lutidine and water in Et
(4000 ) ,,并且((3100 ) ,并且(5000 ) 本地模式震动的乐队适切与高分辨率被记录光谱学。这些乐队的异常相对紧张与联合偶极子时刻模型的一张契约契约被发现并且解释。计算结果,
AIM: To evaluate survival in patients undergoing pallia- tive resection versus non-resection surgery for primary colorectal cancer in a retrospective analysis.
一、概况苯酚丙酮装置中脱烃釜出料泵常称为高温苯酚泵。该脱烃釜的工艺参数及泵的型号如下: 塔釜真空度 500mmHg 塔釜温度 150°±2℃, 塔釜介质苯酚含量97%, 泵的型号 50F-
各位读者 ,你们知道人们最爱说的三个字是什么 ?答案众所周知。但是当我写下这个标题的时候 ,我真的一下子找不到非得沿用它的理由。我知道先树森“董事长”不是被称为第一人