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汪刃锋又名汪亦伦,1918年生于安徽省全椒县赤镇,四五岁即喜绘画,10岁随当地名家、外祖父鲁云奎习国画、书法。1936年,和林散之到南京参观全国美展后随朋友到上海,结识了木刻家陈烟桥、张望等,并读了鲁迅关于木刻的文章以及《苏俄画选》《珂勒惠支版画集》等,深受进步思想影响,从此开始集中精力钻研木刻。1937年,卢沟桥事件爆发后,19岁的汪刃锋与那些不愿做亡国奴的热血青年一样纷纷走向抗日征途,在大别山从事抗日宣传工作。后与莫朴等上海美专及中大美术系学生组成绘画宣传队,赴皖北黄泛区进行宣传,在大块梨木板上刻制、拓印宣传画。他第一次用笔名“刃锋”在《大别山文艺》上发表作品和文章。大别山的磨炼,使他不仅接受了现实,也懂得了艺术的新使命,为 Wang Fengfeng, also known as Wang Yiren, was born in the red town of Quanjiao County, Anhui Province in 1918 and was a portraitist at the age of four or five years old. At the age of ten, he studied painting and calligraphy at the age of ten with his famous local artist and grandfather Lu Yunkui. In 1936, He Lin San went to Nanjing to visit the National Art Exhibition and went to Shanghai with his friends. He met the woodcutters Chen Yanqiao, Zhang Wang, etc., and read Lu Xun’s articles on woodcut and the “Soviet-Russian paintings” and “Kelehui branch prints” And so on, deeply influenced by progressive thinking, began to focus on woodcut. After the Marco Polo Bridge incident broke out in 1937, 19-year-old Wang Bingfeng, like those passionate youths who did not want to become slaves and slaves, went on anti-Japanese march and went on anti-Japanese propaganda work in the Dabie Mountains. After that, he formed a painting propaganda team with Mo Pu and other students from Shanghai American College and the Art Department of Central China University, went to propaganda in the Huang-Pan-Uyghur Autonomous Region, and engraved and printed leaflets on blocks of pears. For the first time, he published works and articles in the Dabie Mountain Literature and Art under the pseudonym “Blade Frontier.” The exercise of the Dabie Mountains made him not only accept the reality but also understand the new mission of art
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