
来源 :江苏教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kayeyoo
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题注“无锡家兄弟”是一句陕北话,意即“无锡的兄弟”,是陕北老乡对无锡支教教师秦国金亲热的称呼。2001年,“东部地区学校对口支援西部贫困地区学校工程”正式启动。我省首批9个市100所学校(主要为小学、初中)的100名教师,背负江苏人民的重托,离开温暖的家园,奔赴西部。在1年半的时间里,他们克服了许多难以想象的困难,在黄土地上辛勤播种江苏教育的先进理念和先进经验。他们身体力行,无私奉献,用青春和热血,在老区教育发展史上留下了浓墨重彩的一笔,充分展示了江苏教师的风采,赢得了老区人民的尊敬。无锡市惠山区天一实验小学的秦国金老师,就是这100名教师中的一个。他的故事告诉我们:一个最普通的教师,当他真正肩负起责任和使命时,当他把全部身心都扑到日常的工作上时,当周围的环境都为他的工作提供便利时,他会爆发出多么大的能量! Inscription “Wuxi brothers” is a word in northern Shaanxi, which means “brothers in Wuxi” is the hometown of northern Shaanxi, Wuxi Education teachers Qin Guojin affectionate title. In 2001, the school project of “Helping the Schools in the Eastern Areas to Support the Poor Areas in the West” was officially launched. 100 teachers in 100 schools (mainly primary schools and junior high schools) in 9 of the first batch in our province took the trust of Jiangsu people and left their warm homeland and headed for the west. In a year and a half, they overcame many unimaginable difficulties and sowed advanced ideas and advanced experiences in Jiangsu education on the Yellow Earth. Their efforts, selfless dedication, with youth and blood, in the history of education in the old area left a strong impression, fully demonstrated the style of teachers in Jiangsu Province, won the respect of the people in the old quarter. Wuxi Huishan Tianyi Experimental Primary Qin Guojin teacher, is one of the 100 teachers. His story tells us that when one of the most ordinary teachers, when he truly shouldered his responsibilities and mission, was throwing all his heart and soul into his day-to-day work, when the surrounding environment facilitated his work, he How much energy will erupt!
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2001年4月28日,财政部印发了《企业国有资本与财务管理暂行办法》(财企[2001]325号,以下简称《办法》)。本刊记者就此采访了财政部朱志刚副部长,以下是朱副部长答记者问。 O
目的 研究整合蛋白α5、β1亚基在胃癌、结直肠癌、宫颈癌、乳腺癌中的表达与癌细胞的分化程度、侵袭转移等生物学行为的关系 ,以及 4种癌症中整合蛋白α5和 β1亚基表达的
长期以来,人们普遍认为视力下降、造成近视的原因主要是不良用眼习惯,而按照这种思路应运而生了各种护眼方法,不但近视人群没有降低,反而呈逐年增长趋势,为什么呢? For a l
“走走,走走走,我们小手拉小手;走走,走走走,一同去郊游……”他们边走边唱,小脸上洋溢着灿烂的笑容。 “Walk, walk, we pull small hand; walk, walk, go with the picni