武汉市国营东山多种经营产销公司于1993年从加拿大引进金芝麻进行试种获得成功。 金芝麻植株高大(1.5~2米),叶互生,一叶一花,一花一果。花大鲜艳,可用作庭院观赏,其果实形似玉米穗、籽粒大如绿豆,亩产400公斤以上,且含油率高达40%,油质极优,清香可口。 金芝麻生育期仅80~90天,适应性强,我国南北可种,易种易管,无病害,春夏期间4~7月均可播种。一般株行距30×50厘米,每穴1~2粒,深3~4厘米。播种前后深翻土壤并作畦,畦宽1.5米,并开好腰沟和围沟,以利排灌。亩备腐熟肥30~50担,磷钾肥各20公斤,于整地时一并施入。3叶期间定苗,4~5叶期间追尿素15公斤作提苗肥。
Wuhan State-owned Dongshan diversified production and marketing company in 1993 from Canada to introduce golden sesame trial success. Golden sesame plants tall (1.5 to 2 meters), leaves alternate, a flower, a fruit. The flower is bright and vivid, and can be used as a yard for ornamental purposes. Its fruit resembles the ear of corn, the grain is as large as mung bean, the yield is over 400 kg per mu, and the oil content is as high as 40%. Golden sesame growth period of only 80 to 90 days, adaptability, North and South China can be species, easy to easy to manage, disease-free, spring and summer can be sown from April to July. General line spacing 30 × 50 cm, 1-2 holes per hole, deep 3 to 4 cm. Deep sowing before and after sowing the soil and 畦, 畦 wide 1.5 meters, and opened a good ditch and ditch to facilitate irrigation and drainage. M Preparation of rotten 30 to 50 farmers, phosphorus and potassium 20 kg each, when applied to the land preparation. During the 3 leaves Dingmiao, 4 to 5 leaves during the recovery of 15 kg of urea for Miaofei.