由于诸多因素的综合作用,现在不少企业运行质量不高,效益下滑,包袱较重,有的长期处于停产半停产状态,职工的基本生活难以保障。在这一现实面前,削弱安全意识,排挤安全投入、放松安全工作所形成的安全隐患不容忽视,不可低估。 有的企业消防器械严重不足,长期缺乏保养,难以拉得出、打得响;有的企业用电线路严重老化,私拉乱接时有发生;有的企业厂房宿舍破漏裂缝,处于需大修或
Due to the combined effect of many factors, many enterprises now run low quality, falling profits and heavier burdens. Some have long been in a state of halted production and half-shutdowns, and the basic livelihood of employees is hard to guarantee. In this reality, we must not underestimate the potential safety hazard caused by weakening security awareness, putting aside safety inputs and relaxing security. Some enterprises serious lack of fire equipment, long-term lack of maintenance, it is difficult to pull out, played loudly; some serious aging electricity lines, private pull indiscriminate connection has occurred; some corporate premises dormitory cracks, in need of overhaul or