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没有人能轻视 CMM 认证于中国软件产业的重要性,在当前国内软件行业被“软件出口”的热潮包围着的时期,CMM 无疑是国内软件企业都想拥有的好东西。CMM 认证让中国软件企业的神经都紧张起来,通对 CMM 相关级别认证的企业几乎要将其挂在颈项上炫耀,没有通过的企业则千方百计的为获取通行证而熬费苦心。然而,通过CMM 认征究竟意味着什么.CMM 能主导中国软件产业的发展轨迹?CMM 能转变中国程序员特有的思维?对于国内的软件企业来说,CMM 的概念的盛行也只是在这两年中。作为衡量软件企业成熟度的模型,CMM 在国际上是通行的标准,是对软件开发流程控制的最高境界,没有人怀疑过这一点。但是,仔细想想,在中国这片有特色发展模式的软件行业空间内,CMM 又将扮演着什么样的角色?笔者最近接触了各个层次的软件企业的程序员,发现了一个问题,在唯 CMM 马首是瞻的时代,国内的程序员们通常都带有抵触情绪,这不光是由于 CMM 是舶来品而水土不服,在国内软件行业表面追捧的现象下,隐藏着更为值得深思的问题。 No one can underestimate the importance of CMM certification in China’s software industry. At a time when the domestic software industry is being surrounded by the “software export” boom, CMM is undoubtedly a good thing that domestic software companies want to have. CMM certification to nervous of China’s software companies are nervous, pass the CMM certification level related companies almost hung on the neck to show off, the companies that fail to do everything possible to obtain permits and painstakingly. However, what does it mean by CMM recognition? CMM can dominate the development path of China’s software industry? CMM can change the unique thinking of Chinese programmers? For domestic software companies, the prevalence of CMM concept is only in these two years in. As a model to measure the maturity of software enterprises, CMM is the internationally accepted standard and the highest level of control over the software development process. No one doubts this point. However, think about it, in China this unique mode of development of the software industry space, CMM will play what role? I recently contacted the software companies at all levels of programmers, found a problem, the only In the era of CMM, programmers in China usually have resistance. This is not only due to the fact that CMM is not accustomed to imported materials, but also hides more worth pondering over the surface of domestic software industry.
Albatron 的 Gigi FX5600P Turbo 参与了测试。这款3D 显卡不容置疑的比MSI FX 5600-VIDR128更好,但其配置却极差。原因为:Albatron 拥有600MHz 运行频率的高速的 DDR 显存
广东含笑(Michelia tsoi Dandy)为亚热带高大常绿乔木,树干圆满通直,高达30米,胸径最大1米。木材纹理细致,不翘不裂,抗虫蛀,耐腐,是优良的高级家具、建筑及胶合板用材。树形
《车轮滚滚》、《暗礁》、《女交通员》的作者薛寿先同志的新作《刀光虎影》(暂名),最近由长春电影制片厂在山东济南投入拍摄。 Recently, Comrade Xue Shouxian’s “Dagu