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偏义复词,又叫复词偏义,它是由两个含义相反、相近和内比联系的单音节语素构成的复音词,在构成复音词的两个单音词里,只取其中一个语素在句子中的表达作用,而另一个语素只起陪衬和补足一个音节的作用。由于在复音词中只偏取一个单音词的意义,所以叫“偏义复词”,或者叫“复词偏义”。如: 1.我有亲父兄,性情暴如雷(《孔雀东南飞》)。“父兄”,偏义在“兄”,“父”是衬字。而且对“父”不能用“性情暴如雷”,加上兰芝无父。意即我有亲阿哥,性情很急躁。(“父兄”词义相近) 2.昼夜勤作息,伶俜萦苦辛。(同上) “作息”,偏义在“作”,“息”是衬字。意即夜夜辛勤、劳作,孤单单地受尽折磨。(“作 It is a polysyllabic word composed of two monosyllable morphemes of opposite meanings, similarities, and internal comparisons. In the two monosyllabic words that make up polysyllabic words, only one of them is taken. The morpheme expresses its function in the sentence, while the other morpheme only acts as a foil and complements a syllable. Because only the meaning of a single word is biased in a polysyllabic word, it is called “particularly complex word” or “partial meaning of complex word”. Such as: 1. I have father and brother, sexual violence like thunder (“Peacock fly southeast”). “Father and brother”, partial meaning in “brother”, “father” is the word. Moreover, “Father” can not use “brutal violence,” and Lange has no father. That means I have a pro-Elder brother and I am impatient. (“Father and brother” is similar in meaning.) 2. Stays up and down day and night. (ibid.) “Recreation”, partial meaning in “doing”, and “interest” in lining. It means hard work and labor every night, and they are alone and tortured. ("
由北京大学出版社组译的美国《新数学丛书》于一九八五年三月开始陆续出版。这是当前在美国通俗数学读物中最享盛誉的丛书之一。这次选译的书目如下: The United States “
诸如下面题目:(均选自六年制重点中学高中代数第二册) 1.定理:如果a、b∈R,那末a~2+b~2≥2ab.(当且仅当a=b时取等号) 2.已知a、b、c是不全相等的正实数。求证:a(b~2+c~2)+b(
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质点的匀加速直线运动的基本方程是: V_f=V_0+at (1) S=Vt=1/2(V_o+V_f)t (2) 由(1)和(2)消去t及将(1)代入(2)中分别得出(3)和(4): The basic equation for uniformly accel
文章介绍了长沙2号线蓄电池调车机车的技术特点和主要技术参数,并从设备布置、暖通系统、电气系统、机械系统和空气制动系统等方面详细阐述了机车的性能特点。 This paper i
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