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陶斯亮同志的《一封终于发出的信》,是感人至深、极不寻常的信。这是血泪与爱憎凝成的篇章,读罢使人荡胸惊魄、心潮起伏。正是悲歌一曲震人心。此信发表之后的月余时间内,便从祖国的千山万壑发出“天地间的轰鸣”,雪片似的信件,从四面八方汇到了陶斯亮同志处①。这些充满火一般炽热感情的来信,表达了亿万人民对受迫害的陶铸同志和其他革命同志的深切缅怀和敬意,对曾志、陶斯亮等同志的热情关怀和慰问,喷射了对林彪、“四人帮”的无比仇恨和愤慨。现在,这封《信》选为中学语文教材,这必将极大地激发青少年一代的革命精神,鼓舞他们把老一辈无产阶级革命家的未竟之业,继承下去! 贯穿全文的爱与恨古人说:“情者文之经,辞者理之纬;经正而后纬成,理定而后辞畅”。情,乃文章之根本。有深沉的内在感情,才能产生沁人心脾、扣人心弦的“发愤之作”。陶斯亮同志胸中郁结十一年之久的悲愤与冤屈,一旦拉开感情的闸门,象汹涌翻滚的激流,奔腾流泻而不可阻。又如轻拢慢捻的琴音,弦弦掩抑声声思,诉说着满腔的衷曲,随着那碎心的往事的追忆,我们的心潮起伏难平。当陶斯亮同志与遭到突然袭击、处于囚禁之中的父亲相见之时,目 Comrade Tao Siliang’s “A letter that was finally sent out” was a deeply touching and unusual letter. This is a chapter composed of tears of blood and love, and it makes people feel throbbing and ups and downs. It is the tragedy that quakes. More than a month after the letter was published, it sent “the roar between heaven and earth” from the mountains and mountains of the motherland, and letters resembling snowflakes were remitted from all directions to Comrade Tao Siliang 1. These letters, filled with passionate and passionate sentiments, express the profound memory and respect of billions of people for the persecuted Comrade Tao Zhuzhi and other revolutionary comrades. They also expressed their enthusiasm for and sympathy with Zeng Zhi and Tao Siliang’s comrades, and sprayed Lin Biao and the Gang of Four. “The incomparable hatred and indignation. Now this ”letter“ has been selected as a textbook for middle school students, which will inevitably greatly stimulate the revolutionary spirit of the younger generation and encourage them to inherit the unfinished business of the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries. : ”The text of the lover’s text is the latitude of the resignator; after the positive and the later, the verdict is settled and then quit.“ Love is the root of the article. There are deep inner feelings that can produce a heart-rending and exciting ”work of anger." The grief and indignation of Comrade Tao Siliang’s 11 years of stagnation in his chest, once he opened the gates of affection, was like a raging torrent of turbulent water. Another example is the slow-sounding timbre, the chord-sweeping sounds and sounds, and the humour of the audience. With the recollection of that broken heart, our ups and downs are difficult. When Comrade Tao Siliang met with his father who was suddenly attacked and imprisoned, the
从当前的“文化现象”来看,我们是到了该对学术做出反思的时候。学术文化要明辨真伪,要正人心必先正学术。 From the current “cultural phenomenon ” point of view, we
数学在锐角三角形ABC中,AD⊥BC于D,AD=BC,H为△ABC的垂心,P为线段BC的中点,求证:PH+HD=(1/2)BC(王定邦供稿) Mathematics in acute triangle ABC, AD ⊥BC in D, AD = BC,
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“学愈博而思愈远”。知识面广一点,在教学中方能得心应手,应用自如。当前,不少教师在这方面的体会是愈加深刻,要求也更加迫切了。 最近,和一些中学语文教师谈及这个问题时,
目前,有些地方出现算命、测字、园梦、相面、化神水等封建迷信活动,一些青少年学生因年幼无知,缺乏免疫力,也跟着一些人受骗上当。如某校有五个学生,听 At present, there