Electromechanical coupling model and analysis of transient behavior for inertial vibrating machines

来源 :Journal of Chongqing University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liyanliang163
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A mathematical model of electromechanical coupling system for a planar inertial vibrating machine is built by setting up dynamical equations of discrete systems with a matrix methodology proposed. The substance of the transient behavior of the machine is unveiled by analyzing the results of the computer simulation to the model, and new methods are presented for diminishing the transient amplitude of the vibrating machine and improving the transient behavior. The reliable mathematical model is provided for intelligent control of the transient behavior of the equipment. A mathematical model of electromechanical coupling system for a planar inertial vibrating machine is built by setting up dynamical equations of discrete systems with a matrix methodology proposed. The substance of the transient behavior of the machine is unveiled by analyzing the results of the computer simulation to the model, and new methods are presented for diminishing the transient amplitude of the vibrating machine and improving the transient behavior. The reliable mathematical model is provided for intelligent control of the transient behavior of the equipment.
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