
来源 :中国医院统计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuwenwu321
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医院内感染,国外报道甚多,感染率为3%~17%,我国为8.4%。医院内感染,不但增加病人的痛苦与经济负担,而且可使病情加重,治疗困难,甚至丧失生命。本文就某院1998年出院的1987份病例进行回顾性统计调查。 1 资料来源与方法 采用回顾性调查方法,对上述期间1987份出院病案各项记录详细查阅,资料完整可靠。按照卫生部医政司监测控制院内感染协调小组制定的监测方法和诊断标准确定院内感染的诊断。 2 调查结果 2.1 院内感染分布情况 Intra-hospital infections are reported in many foreign countries, with an infection rate of 3% to 17% and China’s 8.4%. Intra-hospital infections not only increase the patient’s pain and financial burden, but also can aggravate the condition, treatment difficulties, and even loss of life. This article conducts a retrospective survey of 1987 cases discharged from a hospital in 1998. 1 Data sources and methods A retrospective survey method was used to obtain a detailed review of the records of 1987 medical records discharged during the above period, and the data were complete and reliable. The diagnosis of nosocomial infections was determined according to the monitoring methods and diagnostic criteria established by the Ministry of Health’s Department of Medical Affairs’ monitoring and control of nosocomial infection coordination groups. 2 Survey results 2.1 Distribution of nosocomial infections
1 病案存在的主要问题 1.1 病案首页:如疾病名、手术名不规范,损伤原因填写不具体等。 1.2 主诉:常以诊断代替主诉,主诉叙述太长,主次颠倒。 1.3 病史:重点不突出、主诉和现
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