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2000年8月4日,中共抚顺县委发出《关于开展向郝传德同志学习活动的通知》、《通知》说:“郝传德同志的先进事迹,既体现了党的优良传统和作风,又展现了鲜明的时代特征,他是新时期领导干部的楷模,是各级领导干部学习的榜样。”《通知》号召全县党员干部“学习他坚定党的理想信念,为党和人民的事业满腔热忱,勤政敬业的奉献精神”;“学习他牢记党的宗旨,全心全意为人民服务的公仆精神”;“学习他发扬党的优良传统,脚踏实地、埋头苦干的务实精神”;“学习他自觉抵制腐朽思想和不正之风的侵蚀,严于律己、一尘不染、公正无私的廉洁精神”;“学习他解放思想、开拓创新、知难而进的拼搏精神”。2001年6月,郝传德被评为辽宁省“优秀党务工作者” 从我们看到的材料和采访中了解到的大量情况看,郝传德同志在工作上恪尽职守、务实创新,在作风上廉洁从政、克已奉公。他始终牢记党的宗旨,以服务百姓为己任,时刻为党、为国家、为人民奉献着自己的无限忠诚。 On August 4, 2000, the CPC Fushun County Committee issued the Notice on Carrying out Learning Activities toward Comrade Hao Chuande. The Circular states: “The advanced deeds of Comrade Hao Chuande not only reflected the party’s fine traditions and style, but also demonstrated a clear The characteristics of the times, he is a model for leading cadres in the new era, is an example of leading cadres at all levels. ”“ Circular ”called party members and cadres throughout the county“ to learn from his firm belief in the ideal of the party for the cause of the party and the people full of enthusiasm, diligence Dedicated dedication ”,“ learning from his party’s tenet and serving the people wholeheartedly as a public servant ”;“ learning from his pragmatic spirit of carrying forward the party’s fine tradition and down-to-earth and working hard ”;“ learning from his conscientious rejection of decadent ideas and Unhealthy tendentious erosion, strict self-discipline, spotless, unselfish and honest spirit ”;“ learning his fighting spirit of emancipating the mind, pioneering and innovating, and advancing with difficulties. ” In June 2001, Hao Chuande was appraised as “Outstanding Party Worker” in Liaoning Province From the large amount of information we have seen in the materials and interviews, Comrade Hao Chuande performed his duties in a practical and pragmatic manner, Has been serving the public. He always kept the party’s purpose in mind, served the people as his own responsibility, and always dedicated his party to the party, the country and the people for his infinite loyalty.
社区党建工作目前面临的新情况、新变化 目前个体私营企业、民营企业、股份公司制企业等新经济组织得到很大的发展,但在这些新经济组织中党建工作基础相对薄弱,党员人数少、