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1.整地经验方面崔竹松同志要求在水稻生育前期有松软的土壤。在插秧前,经过干翻、水翻、细耙、细平后,插秧当时达到深厚、松软、肥沃而平坦的耕层。分蘖初期及时中耕搔根,使土壤继续保持松软。以一耕两耙区作为对照与高产田对比研究结果:高产田经过水翻后,其碎土作 用大,每平方米内5—10厘米直径的土块仅30个左右,而对照区则有70—80个;耕层结构上,高产田上软下松,对照区是上软下紧;土壤温度较对照区高0.5—1.0℃;养分分布上,高产田养分含量高,且多分布在0—10厘米左右土层中,对照区则相反。因此,高产田的水稻长相显著较对照区好。在及时中耕、搔根后,土壤发松,秧兜散开,根节地带的光照条件较好、地温高(高达0.5—1.0℃),分蘖率明显提高。这些都证明崔竹松的整地经验,给水稻早生快发及后期增产,提供了良好的土壤基础。2.施肥经验方面高产田施肥,要求基肥、追肥结合。追肥原则是“前重、中补、后巧”。具体施肥时看天看地看苗,共中以苗的长相好坏作为衡量施肥是否适宜的重要标志。调查土壤和植株体内的氮素变化结果:(一)耕层中土壤铵态氮主要分布在0—10厘米土层中,约占总量的70—80%,而且变幅较大。(二)在水稻主要生育阶段,土壤和植株体内氮素的变化是一致的,其变化趋势为:水稻分蘖阶段,随着追肥土壤铵? 1. Site preparation experience Comrade Cuizu Song requested that there be soft soil in the early stage of rice growth. Before transplanting, after dry turn, water turn, fine rake, fine, transplanting then reached deep, soft, fertile and flat top layer. Early tillering cultivation root scratches in a timely manner, so that the soil continues to remain soft. The results of the comparison between the two cultivated areas and the high-yielding field showed that the high-yielding field had a great effect of crushing soil after the water turned over. Only about 30 clods of 5-10 cm diameter per square meter were found, while the control area had 70 -80; on the topsoil structure, high-yielding fields were softened, the control area was softly tightened; soil temperature was 0.5-1.0 ℃ higher than that in the control area; Nutrient distribution was high in high-yielding and high-yielding fields and distributed in 0-10 Soil around cm, the control area is the opposite. Therefore, the rice yield in high-yielding fields was significantly better than that in the control area. In a timely manner after cultivating, Sclerotia, the soil loose, seedbed spread, the root zone of the better light conditions, high ground temperature (up to 0.5-1.0 ℃), the tillering rate increased significantly. All these proved that Cuizu Song’s soil preparation experience provided a good soil foundation for the rapid growth of early rice and later production of rice. Fertilization experience in fertility field, requiring basal fertilizer, top dressing combination. Top dressing principle is “before the weight, fill in, after clever.” When looking at the specific fertilization to see the weather to see seedlings, a total of seedlings looks good or bad as an important indicator of fertility is appropriate. Investigation of soil and plant nitrogen changes in the results: (a) topsoil in soil ammonium nitrogen is mainly distributed in 0-10 cm soil layer, accounting for about 70-80% of the total, but larger amplitude. (2) The change of nitrogen in soils and plants is consistent during the main growth stage of rice, and the trend is as follows: With tillering stage of rice,
摘 要:通过对寄宿制儿童现状的了解和各方面需求的评估,发现我们能做的相对于他们的需求来说,依然存在很大的差距,特别是心理教师的力量有限,只有发动寄宿制儿童的家庭链条、老师和社会各界的志愿者,只有大家一起努力,才能让这一现实的张力和矛盾得到解决。  关键词:寄宿制; 师生关系; 儿童心理健康; 干预;思考  【中图分类号】C916  学校在团体心理辅导中组成的“教师伴我成长”小组改善实验组的师生关系
摘 要:实施分层教学,就是按照因材施教原则,采用梯度设计,实施分组教学,以满足不同学生的不同学习需求,从而让各个学力层次的学生都能获得发展,获得良好数学素养的培养。  关键词:初中数学 分层教学 实施  【中图分类号】G633.6  长期以来,初中数学在“应试”思想影响下,采用“省时”的“齐步走”战略和“一刀切”的检测评价进行教学,使得“优生吃不饱、后进生吃不了、中等生吃不好”的现象屡屡发生。而新