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  例1. 2007全国II
  Speaking of all the songs he has written,I think this is probably his______one.
  A. better-known B. well-known
  C. best-known D. most-known
  例2. 2006江苏
  A poet and artist______coming to speak to us about Chinese literature and painting tomorrow afternoon.
  A. is B. are C. was D. were
  分析:误选B。许多同学看到and后,马上想到主语不是一个人,谓语动词用复数,所以选了B。但实际上“a poet and artist”共用一个冠词修饰,表示一个人,这个人既是诗人又是艺术家。主语是一个人,谓语当然要用单数,再结合句子时态,所以,选A。
  例3. 2007陕西
  He and his wife are of the same ______,they both want their son to go to college.
  A. soul B. spirit C. heart D. mind
  例4. 2006江西
  — I’m dead tired. I can’t walk any farther,Jenny.
  — ______,Tommy. You can do it!
  A. No problem B. No hurry
  C. Come on D. That’s OK
  分析:误选B、D。这是我们中文里的习惯说法:“我太累了,走不动了。”“没关系/别急,你能行的。”于是就选了B或D。但实际上,英语中一般是不会这么讲的。根据西方文化习惯,听到“我走不动了”这句话的人一般会鼓励对方继续走下去。而从题干的第二句的后半部分也能看出答话人是在鼓励第一句话的发出者。所以,要选C。Come on的意思是“加油”。
  例5. 2006全国卷I
  Mary, ______here — everybody else,stay where you are.
  A. come B. comes C. to come D. coming
  分析:一个破折号,使一个很简单的句子变得看似有些复杂。许多同学看到题后都在想,这个句子是什么类型的复合句,忽略了题干实际上就是破折号连接的两个祈使句;要求Mary做come here这个动作;而everybody else做stay where you are的动作。所以,应选A。
  例6. 2006重庆卷
  Nobody believed his reason for being absent from the class______he had to meet his uncle at the airport.
  A. why B. that C. where D. because
  分析:乍一看,感觉这个题目是一个很复杂的从句,不容易理解题干的意思。但实际上,题干中插入了“for being absent from the class”这样一个定语成分。把干扰信息去掉后,这个句子可简化为:Nobody believed his reasonhe had to meet his uncle. 马上就能发现“he had to meet his uncle”其实是“reason”的同位语从句,而现在这个同位语从句缺引导词。答案很容易选择,应该是B。
  例7. 2007全国卷I
  — The last one______pays the meal.
  — Agreed!
  A. arrived B. arrives C. to arrive D. arriving
  分析:这道题单从语法角度看C、D都可以选。但仔细看题干,我们会发现这组对话实际上是一些人在讨论没有发生的事情,说最后一个到的人付钱,并且其他人都表示同意,所以,这个“the last one”应该还没到,arrive的动作自然只能是将要发生,所以,选C。
  例8. 2006北京卷
  — When do we need to pay the balance?
  —______September 30.
  A. In B. By C. During D. Within
  分析:对话的第二句是个省略句,单凭这句不容易看出句子结构,容易误选。所以答题时,要先补全句子。根据对话的第一句,补全后的回答应为“We need to pay the balanceSeptember 30”。很显然,四个选项中,只有B是正确的。
  1. — Was it under the tree______you were away talking to a friend?
  — Sure. But when I got back there,the bike was gone.
  A. that B.where C. which D. while
  2. He was sentenced to death______what he has stolen from the bank.
  A. that B. since C. because D. because of
  3. Wang Ling was elected______all he is the tallest.
  A. because B. because ofC. for D. as
  4. We’ll be free tomorrow,so I suggest______to the history museum.
  A. to visit B. visiting
  C. we should visit D. a visit
  5. I like swimming,while what my brother enjoys______ .
  A. cooking B. to cook C. is cooking D. cook
  6. Thank you for the trouble you have______to help me.
  A. paid B. taken C. had D. asked
  7. Who is it up______decide whether to go or not?
  A. to to B. for for C. to for D. for to
  8. We keep in touc______hwriting often.
  A. with B. of C. on D. by
  9. — How long have you been here?
  —______the end of last month.
  A. In B. By C. At D. Since
  10. You should treat him(in)the way______suits him most.
  A. that B. in which C. 不填 D. why
  1—5 DDBDC6—10 BADDA
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