来源 :农业科学与工程前沿(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lhl1208
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Ongoing specialization of crop and livestock systems provides socioeconomic benefits to the farmer but has led to greater externalization of environmental costs when compared to mixed farming systems.Better integration of crop and livestock systems offers great potential to rebalance the economic and environmental trade-offs in both systems.The aims of this study were to analyze changes in farm structure and review and evaluate the potential for reintegrating specialized intensive crop and livestock systems,with specific emphasis on identifying the co-benefits and barriers to reintegration.Historically,animals were essential to recycle nutrients in the farming system but this became less important with the availability of synthetic fertilisers.Although mixed farm systems can be economically attractive,benefits of scale combined with socio-economic factors have resulted in on-farm and regional specialization with negative environmental impacts.Reintegration is therefore needed to reduce nutrient surpluses at farm,regional and national levels,and to improve soil quality in intensive cropping systems.Reintegration offers practical and cost-effective options to widen crop rotations and promotes the use of organic inputs and associated benefits,reducing dependency on synthetic fertilisers,biocides and manure processing costs.Circular agriculture goes beyond manure management and requires adaptation of both food production and consumption patterns,matching local capacity to produce with food demand.Consequently,feed transport,greenhouse gas emissions,nutrient surpluses and nutrient losses to the environment can be reduced.It is concluded that reintegration of specialized farms within a region can provide benefits to farmers but may also lead to further intensification of land use.New approaches within a food system context offer alternatives for reintegration,but require strong policy incentives which show clear,tangible and lasting benefits for farmers,the environment and the wider community.
Urban population growth is driving the expansion of urban and peri-urban agriculture(UPA)in developing countries.UPA is providing nutritious food to residents b
摘要 农业是推动我国经济发展的重要力量,在经济结构中占据了重要地位。从农业生产特点来看,农业生产会在很大程度上受到气象条件的影响。当前阶段,我国正处在供给侧结构性改革中,加强对气象科普与宣传,能够有效推动各项农业生产活动有序开展。就目前工作形势来看,许多工作人员并未对气象科普宣传工作给予足够的重视。在具体工作时,并未按照上级领导所要求的相关内容严格落实。基于此,就现阶段工作中所存在的各种问题提出相
摘要 农业发展对气象依赖度较高,近年来多种极端天气的频发导致农业和气象服务的联系愈加紧密。就高台县气象为农服务的一系列措施展开详细讨论,借助严谨的气象科学与精密的气象观测达到防灾减灾的目的,为农业生产防灾减灾提供有益经验。  关键词 高台县;气象为农;防灾减灾;对策措施  中图分类号:P429 文献标识码:B 文章编号:2095–3305(2021)01–0107–02  高台县地处河西走廊,地势
摘要 农业科学技术的发展是现代化进程加快的重要表现之一。随着经济的发展,人们的生活水平得到了提高,对生活质量的要求也随之提升,其中最为重要的是食品质量问题。与农业生产相关的是农业蔬菜的品质,要想提升农业蔬菜品质,需要通过合理的设施农业进行蔬菜栽培。相关工作者需要研究设施农业蔬菜栽培存在的问题,并有针对性地解决。对栽培要点进行深入分析,更好地通过农业科学技术提升蔬菜品质,从而进一步提高人们的生活质量
摘要 随着信息化社会的快速发展,现代游客的出行方式及旅游需求均发生了根本变化,传统旅游形式已难以满足广大游客的个性化需求。以乡村旅游的便利化、信息化、智慧化发展为基础,分析了汶川特别旅游区乡村旅游的发展现状及存在的问题,政府相关部门应制定和完善相关规划,加快推进汶川特别旅游区智慧化建设,推动旅游产业优化升级。  关键词 汶川特别旅游区;乡村旅游;文化挖掘  中图分类号:F592.7 文献标识码:A
Livestock production in the United States(US)and Canada is diverse,but shows a common trend in most livestock sectors toward fewer farms producing the majority
摘要 通过QDQ2-1A型自动水电解制氢设备在锡林浩特国家气候观象台开展为期3个多月的业务化试验工作为基础,在试验中,对氢气产量的指标要求、氢气纯度、泄漏率、达标率、设备可靠度、故障率进行准确的观测和分析,并对仪器设备在高寒环境中出现的问题进行总结,提出合理建议,为今后自动水电解制氢业务化运行提供科学依据。  关键词 QDQ2-1A;自动水电解制氢;试验;高寒环境  中图分类号:P412 文献标识