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在投资和贸易的强劲拉动下,今年第一季度,我国经济持续高位运行,GDP增长率为10.2%,增幅高于今年政府确立的9%的目标。央行4月份新公布的数据同时显示,今年前3个月人民币新增贷款为1.26万亿元,占到全年货币信贷投放2.5万亿元目标的一半以上。过快的贷款增速促使央行出台新的调控政策。中国人民银行决定,从2006年4月28日起上调金融机构贷款基准利率:金融机构一年期贷款基准利率上调0.27个百分点,由现行的5.58%提高到5.85%,其他各档次贷款利率相应调整。金融机构存款利率保持不变。上调人民币贷款利率有利于抑制过度投资,引导资产的合理定价;有利于优化经济结构,促进经济增长方式的转变;有利于增强金融体系防范风险的能力,保持国民经济持续、快速、协调、健康发展的良好势头。 In the first quarter of this year, under the strong pull of investment and trade, China’s economy continued its high operation with a GDP growth rate of 10.2%, higher than the target of 9% set by the government this year. The newly released data from the central bank in April also showed that new loans for RMB in the first three months of this year were 1.26 trillion yuan, accounting for more than half of the target of 2.5 trillion yuan in monetary credit for the whole year. Excessive loan growth prompted the central bank to introduce a new regulatory policy. The People’s Bank of China decided to raise the benchmark lending rate of financial institutions from April 28, 2006: the benchmark lending rate of one-year lending institutions will be raised by 0.27 percentage points from the current 5.58% to 5.85%, and the lending rates of other grades will be adjusted accordingly . Financial institutions deposit rates remain unchanged. Raising interest rates on Renminbi lending helps curb over-investment and lead to rational pricing of assets; help to optimize the economic structure and promote the transformation of the economic growth mode; enhance the ability of the financial system to guard against risks and maintain a sustained, rapid, coordinated and healthy development of the national economy The good momentum.
1908年Arbuthnot Lane首先提出经腹行结肠切除术来治疗慢性顽固性便秘。在过去的一百多年里,学者们对于结肠慢传输型便秘(slowtransitconstipation,STC)诊断标准、手术治疗指
目的:研究混合型便秘(Mixed constipation,MC)和十二指肠瘀滞症(Duodenal stasis syndrome,DSS)之间的相互关系,分析总结延误诊断原因。方法:通过文献检索、病例分析寻找MC和DS