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  Unit 1
   1. Will people have robots?
   考点:一般将来时通常由“will/shall+动词原形”构成,表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态,当主语为第一人称时,常用shall, 其疑问形式为:Shall/Will+主语+动词原形……?
   真题:If I find his phone number, I ____ you.(北京)
   A. tell B. told C. will tell D. have told
   解析:C 题意“如果我找到他的电话号码,我会告诉你的”,应用一般将来时,故选will tell。
   2. Will people use money in 100 years?
   真题:①——May I borrow your camera?
  ——Of course. You can ____ it for 2 or 3 days. (威海)
   A. borrow B. lend C. receive D. use
   ②Shanghai World Expo(世博会) will open ____ a ____ time.(东营)
   A. in; year’s B. after; years C. in; years’ D. after; years’
   解析:①D 根据题意“我可以借用一下你的相机吗?”“当然可以,你可用一至两天”,borrow虽可表示“借入”,但因其是瞬间动词,不可与表示一段时间的状语连用。只有use“使用”是延续性动词,与题意相符。②A 题意:“上海世博会将在一年后开幕”。“in+a year’s time”表示“一年之后”。
   3. I think there will be more pollution.
   考点:more作形容词,意为“更多的,较多的”,是many和much的比较级,可修饰可数名词复数和不可数名词。与多音节的形容词或副词构成比较级,如:more beautiful更美的;more happily更幸福地。
   真题: ____ we plant, ____ our city will be.(河南七地市联考)
   A. The more trees; the beautiful B. The less trees; the more beautiful
   C. The more trees; the more beautiful D. The less trees; beautiful
   解析:C 题意“树栽得越多,我们的城市就越漂亮”,第一个more是many的比较级,意为“更多的”;第二个more与beautiful构成比较级,意为“更美丽的”。
   4. I might even keep a pet parrot!
   真题:——How long could I ____ your English-Chinese dictionary?
   ——Only one day, please.(淄博)
   A. keep B. borrow C. lend D. get
   解析:A keep“保持,保留”,是延续性动词,由答语Only one day,可以判断出是保存多长时间,所以应选keep。
   5. During the week I’ll look smart, and probably will wear a suit.
   考点:wear“穿、戴”,一般表示状态,可用于进行时。如:He is still wearing his thick coat. 他一直穿着那件厚外衣。
   真题:——I saw Ann ____ a green dress at the school meeting.
   ——I think she looks better ____ red.(烟台)
   A. dressed; in B. put on; wear C. wearing; in D. wear; put on
   解析:C 题意“我看见安在校会上穿着绿色的连衣裙”“我认为她穿红的更好些”。“看见某人正在做某事”用see sb. doing sth.句型,故选wearing;in red表示“穿着红色的衣服”。
   6. I need to look smart for my job interview.
   考点:need可作行为动词和情态动词,意为“需要,必须”,作情态动词时,多用于疑问句和否定句中。如:“Need we tell him?” “No, we needn’t.” “我们需要告诉他吗?” “不,没必要。”
   真题:——Must I answer the question in English?
   ——No, you ____.(临沂)
   A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. can’t D. shouldn’t
   解析:B mustn’t不可以;needn’t没必要;can’t不可能;shouldn’t不应该, must引起的疑问句,其否定回答用needn’t。
   7. However, they agree it may take hundreds of years.
   考点:hundreds of years意为“数百年,好几百年”,hundred, thousand, million等,其前有具体数字时,用单数,如five hundred; 其前无具体数字,其后有of短语时,表示模糊数字,如:hundreds of students好几百学生。
   真题:The farmer keeps ____ cows on the farm.(河南七地市联考)
   A. hundred B. hundred of C. hundreds D. hundreds of
   解析:D hundred表示模糊数字时,须用复数形式,其后必须用of短语,二者缺一不可。thousand, million用法与hundred相同。
   8. Japanese computers have already made robots walk and dance.
   真题:The woman made his son ____ finally after she told him some jokes.(通化)
   A. laughed B. to laugh C. laugh D. laughing
   解析:C make后的动词用原形,即不带to的动词不定式。
   9. For example, it’s easy for a child to wake up and know where they are.
   考点:“It’s+形容词+for sb.+to do…”句型,这里不定式to do作真正的主语,it作形式主语。如:It’s better for you to eat more vegetables. 对你来说,多吃蔬菜更好。
   真题:——It’s very important ____ us to make a plan before a new term.
   ——Yes. You must try to make it .carefully.(娄底)
   A. ofB. for C. to
   解析:B It’s important for sb. to do sth. 对某人来说做某事很重要。这是固定句型。
  Unit 2
   1. I don’t have enough money.
   考点:enough在此作形容词用,意为“足够的,充分的”,修饰名词时,放在名词前后均可;但当enough作副词,修饰形容词或其他副词时,只能放在被修饰的词之后。例如:Are they warm enough? 它们够暖和吗?
   真题:I find this computer game ____ to play. (无锡)
   A. enough easy B. easy enough C. enough easily D. easily enough
   解析:B 题意“我发现这个电脑游戏玩起来很简单”,“形容词+enough”为enough修饰形容词的常见结构。
   2. You could borrow some money from your brother.
   考点:borrow sth. from sb.意为“向某人借来某物”。注意:lend为“借出”,指把东西借给别人,如:You lent your bike to me yesterday. 你昨天吧自行车借给我了。
   真题:——Can I ____ your textbook? I left mine at home.
   ——Here you are. Do remember to bring it with you next time.(太原)
   A. borrow B. lend C. keep
   解析:A borrow借入;lend借出;keep保留。
   3. No, he doesn’t have any money, either.
   考点:either此处为副词,意为“也”,用于否定句或否定词组中以加强语气。例如:You can’t play the piano. I can’t, either. 你不会弹钢琴,我也不会。
   真题:——I am not sure which tie to wear for the party.
   ——God! I have no idea, ____.(泰安)
   A. too B. neither C. either D. also
   解析:C either用于否定回答中,并置于句尾,意为“也”。
   4. I think you should ask your parents for some money.
   考点:ask sb. for sth.意为“向某人索要某物”,如:He went to ask the policeman for help. 他去向那个警察寻求帮助。
   真题:Why not ____ your teacher for help when you can’t finish ____ it by yourself?(兰州)
   A. ask; write B. to ask; writing C. ask; writing D. asking; write
   解析:C 第一空为“求助某人做某事”用ask sb. for sth.表示;第二空为finish doing sth.固定句式。
   5. I need some money to buy gifts for my family.
   考点:buy是及物动词,意为“买”,其后须接宾语。例如:I bought my father a T-shirt. 我给爸爸买了一件T恤衫。
   真题:My bag is old. Let’s go to that shop ____ a new one. (黔东南州)
   A. to buyB. buy C. buying
   解析:A to do表目的,我们去那个商店买个新的吧。
   6. Everyone else in my class was invited except me.
   考点:except在此作介词用,意为“除……之外,不包括”。例如:He does his homework every day except Sunday. 除了周日以外,他每天做作业。
   真题:Mr Lin gave the textbooks to all the students ____ the ones who had already taken them. (无锡)
   A. except B. including C. among D. with
   解析:A 题意“林先生把练习册发给了学生,除了那些已经有了的人”。except符合题意。 7. I don’t know what to do.
   考点:此句的宾语部分为what to do,它由“疑问词+不定式”构成,也叫作不定式的复合结构,它是一个完整的含义,在句中可作主语、宾语、表语等。
   真题:The old lady didn’t know ____ when the house caught fire. (无锡)
   A. how to do B. how to do it C. what to do D. what to do it
   解析:C what to do后不能接宾语,don’t know what to do不知道该做什么。
   8. She also says that these children may find it hard to think for themselves when they are older.
   考点:此句为that引导的宾语从句,主句为She also says,从句中又含有一个when引导的时间状语从句when they are older。that也可引导定语从句。
   真题:——Have you ever been to the new bookshop ____ is just opened?
   ——Yes. I went there yesterday. (济宁)
   A. /B. who C. thatD. what
   解析:C 题意“你去过那个刚开张的书店吗?”that从句修饰shop作定语。
   9. I think Erin should tell her friend to get different clothes.
   考点:tell意为“告诉”,此处tell sb. to do sth. 意为“告诉某人做某事”。如:He told me to wait for him at noon. 他告诉我中午等他。
   真题:Doctors tell people ____ their hands often and to stay home if they feel .ill. (临沂)
   A. to wash B. washes C. wash D. washing
   解析:A tell sb. to do sth.告诉某人做某事,and前后结构应一致,根据to stay应选to wash。
   10. What’s wrong?
   考点:wrong为形容词,意为“有毛病的,失常的”。What’s wrong with sb.?与What’s one’s problem? 表达意思相同。
   真题:——You look worried. What’s your .____?
   ——I have trouble learning English. (南昌)
   A. name B. questionC. problem D. job
   解析:C What’s your problem? 意为“怎么了?”为固定搭配。
获得二等奖的参赛设计作品是名为“追日”的生态学生公寓设计。参赛单位:山东建筑工程学院作者:何文晶等4人指导老师:王崇杰薛一冰目前我国每年新建建筑中,只有10%-15%能达 Winni
文给出并证明了如下一道几何题:已知C、D是△PAB的AB边上的点,且AC= BD,一直线分别交PA、PC、PD、PB于A′、C′、D′、B′点,求证: This paper gives and proves a geometri
元旦、春节、清明节、端午节、儿童节、教师节、中秋节、国庆节、圣诞节……年年节节何其多,写写作文又如何?  生活与作文的关系极为紧密。过年过节这个话题,一般在文章中我们可以这样表达:节日的由来与人们的生活有着密切的联系,它体现了人们丰富的情感世界,寄托了人们对生活的热爱。但是,年节作文要写好,就不能仅仅拘泥于此,不能停留在表面。写作中,我们要学会把读者带进自已的节日生活中,带进自己的时空与心境里,用
 
在钻进过程中,岩石破碎后形成的颗粒大小会影响钻进效果,过大或过小都不利于钻进。破碎物粒度愈细则破碎愈强烈,破碎功消耗愈大,因而破碎效率愈低。 对脆性和塑脆性岩石来说