W-band high output power Schottky diode doublers with quartz substrate

来源 :Journal of Semiconductors | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaoqingshan
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W-band quartz based high output power fix-tuned doublers are analyzed and designed with planar Schottky diodes.Full-wave analysis is carried out to find diode embedding impedances with a lumped port to model the nonlinear junction.Passive networks of the circuit,such as the low pass filter,the E-plane waveguide to strip transitions,input and output matching networks,and passive diode parts are analyzed by using electromagnetic simulators,and the different parts are then combined and optimized together.The exported S-parameters of the doubler circuit are used for multiply efficiency analysis.The highest measured output power is 29.5 mW at 80 GHz and higher than 15 mW in 76–94 GHz.The highest measured efficiency is 11.5% at 92.5 GHz,and the typical value is 6.0% in 70–100 GHz. W-band quartz based high output power fix-tuned doublers are analyzed and designed with planar Schottky diodes. Full-wave analysis is carried out to find diode embedding impedances with a lumped port to model the nonlinear junction. Passive networks of the circuit, such as the low pass filter, the E-plane waveguide to strip transitions, input and output matching networks, and passive diode parts are analyzed by using electromagnetic simulators, and the different parts are then combined and optimized together. The exported S-parameters of the doubler circuit are used for multiply efficiency analysis. The highest measured output power is 29.5 mW at 80 GHz and higher than 15 mW in 76-94 GHz. The highest measured efficiency is 11.5% at 92.5 GHz, and the typical value is 6.0% in 70-100 GHz.
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China Journal of Accounting Research(简称:CJAR,中文:中国会计学刊)是国际上首本专门刊登有关中国会计研究论文的全英文学术期刊,于2008年由中山大学与香港城市大学在境外
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