
来源 :中国科学:信息科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuxuanxxd
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任务规划技术是嫦娥三号任务中月面巡视器遥操作中的一项关键技术.本文首先分析了各种月面环境因素对巡视器月面工作过程的影响机制,综合考虑月面地形因素、太阳能量、光照阴影以及对地通信条件等,建立了面向任务规划的综合月面环境.在该环境模型基础上,提出了一种月面巡视器遥操作中的任务规划方法.通过定期更新环境模型,将动态环境模型下的路径规划问题转换为一系列静态环境模型下的路径规划问题,实现任务层的动态路径规划;在路径规划过程中进行实时约束检查,实现行为规划并将其影响效果迭代入动态路径规划过程中,最终实现巡视器任务规划.针对不确定性,本文引入弹性计划提高任务规划输出结果在实际工程中的可行性.仿真实验结果表明:月面综合环境模型全面描述了影响巡视器任务规划的各种环境因素及其影响;任务规划方法可生成全局最优路径,以及沿路径安排的满足约束条件的巡视器行为序列,最终生成巡视器的月面工作序列,作为地面遥操作实施的依据. Mission planning technology is a key technique in the teleoperation of lunar surface patrol in Chang’e-3 mission.This paper first analyzes the influence mechanism of various lunar environmental factors on the lunar surface working process of patrol, and considers the terrain factors of lunar surface, Solar energy, light shadow and communication conditions to the ground, the task-planning integrated lunar environment was established.On the basis of the environment model, a task planning method in lunar patrol remote operation was proposed.Through regular updating of the environment Model, the path planning problem under the dynamic environment model is transformed into a series of path planning problems under the static environment model to realize the dynamic path planning of the task layer; the real-time constraint checking is performed during the path planning process to realize the behavior planning and its effect Iteratively into the dynamic path planning process, and ultimately achieve the mission planning of the patrol.In view of the uncertainty, this paper introduces a flexible plan to improve the feasibility of the output of the task planning in practical engineering.The simulation results show that the comprehensive lunar surface environment model Various environmental factors that affect the mission planning of patrollers and their impact; mission planning methods can generate The global optimal path, and the sequence of patrol behavior that meet the constraints arranged along the path. Finally, the patrol work sequence of the lunar surface is generated as the basis for implementation of the terrestrial teleoperation.
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