Efficient Method to Extract Coupling Ratio and Round-trip Loss Parameters of Optical Waveguide Ring

来源 :Semiconductor Photonics and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sody520
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Based on the measurement of the contrast ratios of the transmission spectra from the throughput and drop ports of ring resonator, an efficient method is proposed to extract the coupling ratio and round-trip loss of the integrated optical waveguide ring resonator. The parameters of a racetrack resonator prepared by ion-exchange technique in K9 optical glass substrate are examined, which demonstrates the validity of this method. The accuracy and applicable range of this method are also discussed. Based on the measurement of the contrast ratios of the transmission spectra from the throughput and drop ports of ring resonator, an efficient method is proposed to extract the coupling ratio and round-trip loss of the integrated optical waveguide ring resonator. The parameters of a racetrack resonator prepared by ion-exchange technique in K9 optical glass substrate are examined, which demonstrates the validity of this method. The accuracy and applicable range of this method are also discussed.
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