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这么多年,对父亲都没有太多的回报。早就想写一写父亲了。权作是对父亲对我们的养育之恩,培育之辛的另一种回报吧。虽然父亲只是普天下最普通的一位。父亲是属狗的,已年近80了,身体还算硬朗。每每提起父亲,我的心老是酸酸的,眼睛时不时就会潮湿起来。尤其是近一年来,心里老是惦记着他。父亲与母亲一共养育了我们七个子女,两位老人一辈子辛辛苦苦,把他们的孩子小燕儿般一个个喂大,都已先后成人,成家立业。儿女们再回望自己的父母,风霜雨雪,早已漂白了他们的 After so many years, my father did not have much rewards. Long ago wanted to write a father. Right is another reward for the father’s kindness and nurture to us. Although his father is the most common person in the world. My father is a dog, almost 80 years old, the body fairly tough. Often mention my father, my heart is always sour, eyes wet from time to time up. Especially in the last year, my heart always remember him. The father and mother raised a total of seven of our children. The two old men worked hard for a lifetime and fed their children, Xiaoyan one by one, all of them adults and adults. Children again look back at their parents, weather and snow, already bleached their
孔雀剑莎(Cyprichromis pavo)相对于坦湖慈鲷中的庞大的剑莎类家族来说只是一个很小的分支,相关的地域型比起其他类的剑莎(比如细鳞类,巨型类)也相对要少,但是它又是一个有着
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An (AC)n-microsatellite-enriched library for Larimichthys crocea was constructed in this study. Primers for fifty simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci were synthes
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