
来源 :涉世之初 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ahhfwwzy
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在广大读者朋友的呼声中,本刊老牌栏目“AA聊天室”再度“出山”。栏目宗旨不变,依旧是围绕初涉社会的年轻人关心的工作、学习、事业、生活等方面的热点、疑点话题请读者朋友献计献策,畅抒己见。欢迎新老朋友今后常来作客。本栏目重新开张之日,正逢抗击SARS病毒的战斗在全国各地紧张、有序地进行。这是一场没有硝烟的战争,这是一场和在枪林弹雨中冲锋陷阵一样需要考验一个民族信念、勇气、智慧和凝聚力的战争。《涉世之初》和涉世之初的年轻朋友没有理由置身其外。因为SARS病毒及其孳生的各种危害侵袭的是整个社会的肌体,我们甚至无法独善其身。您或许已经感爱到,“非典”已或多或少地影响了您的工作、学习和生活;而抗击“非典”战争中涌现出来的事物和现象,也一定引发了您深层的关注,甚至改变了您的思维、观念和生活习惯。 “非典”就像一面镜子,它照出了人性的光亮与美丽,也照出了丑陋和阴暗,同时更教会了我们每个社会成员在集体性灾难面前应有的姿态。就让我们将此次讨论当作一次灵魂与观念的洗礼,祈愿遗憾不再发生,祈愿全国人民在这次“抗非”战争中焕发出来的伟大精神和风尚走得更久远…… In the voice of the majority of readers, friends, the column of the old column “AA chat room ” again “out of the mountains ”. Column objectives remain unchanged, is still around the young people involved in the community concerned about the work, study, career, life and other aspects of the hot topic of doubt, please readers friends offer advice and suggestions, to express their views. Welcome new and old friends often come to visit. The column reopened on the date of the fight against the SARS virus in all parts of the country tense and orderly manner. This is a war without smoke, a war that needs to test the conviction, courage, wisdom and cohesion of a nation just as it was charged in the hail of bullets. There is no reason for Young Friend at the beginning of the world and at the beginning of the world to stay out. Because the SARS virus and the various hazards it breaches affect the whole body of society, we can not even stand apart. You may already feel that “SARS ” has more or less affected your work, study and life; and the things and phenomena emerging from the war on “SARS” have certainly triggered you deeper The concern, and even changed your thinking, ideas and habits. SARS is like a mirror, which shows the brightness and beauty of human nature and also shows ugliness and darkness, and at the same time it also teaches the gestures that every member of our society should have before a collective disaster. Let us treat this discussion as a baptism of souls and concepts, pray that regret will not happen again, and pray that the great spirit and ethos of the entire nation glow in this “anti-Africa” ​​war will go further. ...
根据原能源部中等专业学校电力系统通信专业“电话与交换”教学大纲,由徐善新老师编写的《电话与交换》一书,将于1994年上半年出版。全书共分八章,其中除了讲述一 According
随着新年钟声的敲响,2008年奥运会与我们越来越近了。面对这一世界性的盛会,我们为“平安奥运”做了哪些工作和努力,越来越成为人们关心和关注的问题。 As the New Year bel