
来源 :中国农村水利水电 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:awaydown
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膜下滴灌是一种既能高效节水,又能适时调控土壤水盐运移的灌水方式。但膜下滴灌技术长期在干旱区应用有可能造成盐分不断在土壤中累积而危害作物生长。为此,针对不同发展年限的膜下滴灌棉花田进行土壤含盐量的监测,经初步分析可得:在棉花生育期内土壤含盐量为灌水前>灌水后>灌水期间;在不同发展年限中,土壤含盐量随发展年限的增加而升高,钠离子和氯离子的含量随发展年限的增加而升高,主要是灌溉水质中含量大量的钠盐;钙离子含量略有增加;土壤中钠吸附比随发展年限的增加而升高,随土层深度的增加其含量逐渐降低。长期使用膜下滴灌技术将会带来土壤的次生盐渍化发生的危险,应适时监测土壤盐分的累积变化趋势,累积一定程度后,进行倒茬种植或大水压盐一次,以实现土地资源的可持续发展。 Drip irrigation under film is a kind of irrigation method that can not only save water efficiently but also control the movement of soil water and salt in time. However, long-term application of drip irrigation under arid areas may cause salt to accumulate in the soil and endanger crop growth. Therefore, for the different development years of cotton drip irrigation under cotton field soil salinity monitoring, the preliminary analysis can be obtained: the soil salinity during the cotton growth period before irrigation> after irrigation> irrigation period; in different years of development , Soil salinity increased with the increase of years of development. The contents of Na + and Cl + increased with the increase of years of development, mainly due to the large amount of sodium salt in the water quality of irrigation; the content of Ca2 + increased slightly; the content of soil The adsorption ratio of sodium increased with the increase of years of development, and gradually decreased with the depth of soil. Long-term use of drip irrigation technology will bring secondary soil salinization risk, soil salinity should be monitored timely changes in the cumulative trend of accumulation to a certain extent, the stubble planting or large pressure salt once in order to achieve the land resources Sustainable development.
<正> 《文物》1986年第6期刊登了张雪岩同■《吉林集安出土的古镜》,文中介绍了1969年至1985年7月集安县(?)内出土的铜镜11件,铁镜3件。这里将尚未发表的2件和最近征集到的3