时下“接轨”一词用得正红火,凡事一旦被贴上“与国际惯例接轨”的标签,似乎就很新潮、很先进,具有现代意识。业已推行的每周44小时工作制,亦被人称为“接轨”之举。平心而论,此次“接轨”不论是公众对其所持的态度还是实际效果,都是很不错的。改革开放,生产力的提高,使国人的工作方式、生活方式乃至思想观念都发生了可喜的变化,缩短工时,深得人心,皆大欢喜,笔者无意也不应贬低这样的“接轨”。问题是,所有曾被冠此美名的“举措”,都“很先进”、都值得褒扬吗?非也。 还是以作息制为例,近几年来,这方面的“接轨”已有三次。首先登场的是取消午休,实行上下午“连轴运转”,其“好处”据说是“有利于职工腾出更多的时间,用于安排生活和学习。”结果此举几
Nowadays, the term “convergence” is getting better and better. Once everything is labeled “in line with international practice,” it seems very trendy, advanced and modern. The 44-hour work-week system that has been implemented has also been called the “convergence” move. To be fair, the “alignment” is a very good one both in terms of public attitudes and actual results. With the reform and opening up and the improvement of the productive forces, the people have enjoyed gratifying changes in their working methods, lifestyles and even their ideological concepts. Their working hours have been greatly reduced and their popularity won the favor. The author has no intention of derogating from such “convergence.” The problem is, all the “initiatives” that have been given the title of honor are “very advanced” and worth praising? In the last few years, for example, the “system integration” has been carried out three times. The first thing to do is to abolish the lunch break and implement “running in the evenings” on the afternoon. The “benefits” are said to be “conducive to making more staff available to arrange life and study.”