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在本科类高校日语专业的课堂教学中,学习内容很多都出自文学名家之手,作品描写风格独特,人物刻画深入人心。笔者认为教师更应该注重文章背景知识的传达与导入,这对学生理解文章的全面性与深浅性有着直接的关系。本文以竹西宽子作品《兵队宿》选段《兰》的教学为例,对背景知识的传达与导入的重要性进行分析阐述。一、社会风貌的背景导入随着《兰》的开始,读者就被带入了“列车”里。《兰》主要讲述了少年尚志在战争年代,跟随父 In undergraduate university Japanese professional classroom teaching, a lot of learning content from the hands of literary masters, works describing the unique style, characterization enjoys popular support. I believe that teachers should pay more attention to the background knowledge of the article to convey and import, which students understand the comprehensiveness and depth of the article has a direct relationship. This article takes the teaching of “blue” as an example, which is composed by Hiroko Kusubi of “Kusunoki”, and analyzes the importance of the communication and introduction of background knowledge. First, the introduction of the background of social style With the beginning of “blue”, the reader was brought into the “train ” Lane. “Lan” mainly tells the young Shangzhi in the war years, follow the father
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