Mr Pizza is back 比萨先生,平安归来

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  Kirk Alexander, 48, who lives alone in a small town in Oregon, has been ordering pizza from Domino’s Pizza for the last ten years. He doesn’t usually go outside of his home unless it’s to get his favorite pizza. And due to his frequent ordering, the staff of Domino’s was well acquainted (熟悉) with the man.
  The manager of Kirk’s local Domino’s, Sarah, said that he was always so polite to the delivery staff. None of the employees at the local Domino’s seemed to notice anything out of the ordinary for the first couple of days. However, this quickly changed once Sarah and a few of the team members realized that they hadn’t had an order from Kirk for quite some time.
  The next morning, Sarah asked one of the employees, Hamblen, to pay their loyal customer a visit and make sure everything was all right. That’s when Hamblen noticed something was wrong.When Hamblen arrived on the scene, Alexander wasn’t answering the door, but there were lights on and he could hear the TV playing. They then tried to phone Alexander several times, but each call went straight to voicemail. Finally, Hamblen dialed 911.
  When the police arrived on the scene, they could hear a man calling for help. Officers forced their way into the house, and found that Alexander was in need of immediate medical attention. Alexander lay on the floor with some liquid dripping away from the mouth. It was obvious that Kirk needed to get to the hospital right away. Then police and Hamblen worked together to lift Kirk into an ambulance, which then roared (呼啸而去) out of Kirk’s house.
  Last weekend, employees at the Domino’s paid their loyal customer visits at the Salem Hospital. They knocked on the door, happy to see Kirk recovering. Kirk was almost speechless at the arrival of the staff who provided him with a delicious pizza, with words “You’re a part of our family” on it. At that time, he kept saying thanks, tears welling up in his eyes. It was the kindness of these persons that saved Kirk’s life.
  1. What can we know about Kirk?
  A. He lives with his family members.
  B. He has been ordering pizza for several months.
  C. He prefers to stay at home rather than go out.
  D. He has been working in Domino’s for the last ten years.
  2. Which word can describe Sarah and the employees?
  A. Absent-minded.                                  B. Warm-hearted.   C. Cruel.                                           D. Brave.
  3. Why did Kirk stop ordering pizza for some time?
  A. He was seriously ill.
  B. He was on holiday.
  C. He could hardly afford it.
  D. He could hardly tolerate pizza’s taste.
  Ⅰ. Useful expressions
  due to 由于
  be acquainted with 对……熟悉
  be polite to 对……有礼貌
  out of the ordinary 不寻常
  pay sb a visit 拜访某人
  arrive on the scene 到达现场
  answer the door 开门
  It was obvious that 显然……
  Ⅱ. Sentence for writing
  It was the kindness of these persons that saved Kirk’s life. 正是這些人的善良救了柯克的命。
  【信息提取】“It was/is+被强调部分+that/who...”为一个强调句型。被强调部分往往为句子的主语、宾语、时间状语、地点状语等。
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1. _________   1 The story of the English language began in the fifth century when Germanic tribes invaded Celtic-speaking Britain and brought their languages with them. Later, Scandinavian Vikings i
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