当前各地区使用绝缘子组合方式较多,有采用一片悬式、二片悬式、悬式加茶台、二个茶台等。从电气和机械性能方面看,哪种组合方式既能满足技术上的要求,而又经济合理?另外,对采用水泥铁担的配电线路是否要提高绝缘,如何提高绝缘较为合理?我们带着上述二个问题,到郑州、长沙、南昌、沪杭、南京、西安、内蒙等地区的27个单位进行了调查。现将调查情况溉述如下。一、基本情况 (一)郑州地区 1.供电局:6—10千伏线路过去均采用木杆木担,总长为1122公里,目前绝大部分由6.3千伏升压为10千伏线路。木杆大部分换成
At present, there are many combinations of insulator used in various regions. One suspension type, two suspension type, hanging type tea station, two tea stations and the like are adopted. In terms of electrical and mechanical properties, which combination of ways to meet the technical requirements, but economical and reasonable? In addition, the use of cement-based distribution lines to increase the insulation, how to improve the insulation more reasonable? We bring The above two issues were investigated in 27 units in Zhengzhou, Changsha, Nanchang, Shanghai-Hangzhou, Nanjing, Xi’an and Inner Mongolia. Now the investigation is as follows. First, the basic situation (A) Zhengzhou 1. Power Supply Bureau: 6-10 kilovolt lines used in the past wooden pole wood, a total length of 1122 km, the vast majority of the current from 6.3 kV to 10 kV line. Most wood replaced