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目的分析天津市西青区2010年手足口病的流行病学特征,探索流行规律,为有效制定预防控制策略提供依据。方法采用描述流行病学方法对国家《疾病监测信息报告管理系统》中报告的现住址为西青区的2010年手足口病病例进行统计分析。结果 2010年国家《疾病监测信息报告管理系统》共报告现住址为西青区的手足口病病例1 904例,报告发病率为360.22/10万;有明显的季节性,5—7月份为高发期;5岁以下儿童发病率明显高于其他年龄组(χ2=19 605.3,P<0.01)和辖区全人群发病率(χ2=9 931.08,P<0.01);男性发病率高于女性发病率(χ2=44.75,P<0.01);城乡接合部发病数高于其他街镇。共报告实验室检测病例45例,其中CoxA16阳性22例,占48.9%。结论西青区2010年手足口病呈高发趋势,今后应重点加大城乡接合部、流动人口聚集区和托幼机构(尤其是无证幼儿园)的管理、宣传和预防控制力度,重点对象为5岁以下儿童。继续做好病原学监测,警惕重症和死亡病例的发生。 Objective To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of HFMD in Xiqing District of Tianjin in 2010 and explore the epidemic rules to provide the basis for effective prevention and control strategies. Methods A descriptive epidemiological method was used to analyze the 2010 cases of hand-foot-mouth disease in West Qinghai Province, which was reported in the National Disease Surveillance Information Report Management System. Results In 2010, a total of 1 904 cases of hand-foot-mouth disease were reported in Xiqing District. The reported incidence rate was 360.22 / 100 000; there were obvious seasonal changes and high incidence in May-July (Χ2 = 19 605.3, P <0.01) and the whole population in the area (χ2 = 9 931.08, P <0.01). The incidence of males was higher than that of females χ2 = 44.75, P <0.01). The incidence of junction in urban and rural areas was higher than that in other towns. A total of 45 laboratory tests were reported, of which 22 were CoxA16 positive (48.9%). Conclusion In 2010, hand-foot-mouth disease in Xiqing District showed a trend of high incidence. In the future, emphasis should be placed on the management, promotion and prevention and control of urban and rural junctions, floating population areas and nurseries (especially those without licenses), focusing on 5 Children under the age of Continue to do etiological monitoring, vigilance of critically ill and deaths.
日本新泻“水与土艺术节”(Water and Land Niigata Art Festival)于2009年开始,每三年举办一届,致力于通过世界各地艺术家的作品以及当地民众的参与,在“水与土”的主题下,