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建设社会主义新农村,是党的十六届五中全会按照统筹城乡发展要求作出的一项战略决策,是我国现代化建设的重大历史任务。发展农村医疗卫生事业,是协调城乡发展、促进社会公平的重要内容。党的十六届五中全会指出,新型农村合作医疗制度是由政府组织、引导、支持,农民自愿参加,个人、集体和政府多方筹集,以大病统筹为主的农民医疗互助共济制度。中央经济工作会议在部署2006年经济工作要点时强调,2006年的社会主义新农村建设一定要有良好开局。以此为新起点,一系列新的改革措施即将出台,日趋合理的公共财政体系将使农业、农村与工业、城市及国民经济其他方面协调发展,农民生活质量得到质的改善。为把新型农村合作医疗这项德政工程办实办好,各级党委政府正在落实新型农村合作医疗工作。本刊特刊发宁夏青铜峡市人民政府副市长沙迎春和四川南江县委书记青理东,对本地区新型农村合作医疗制度建设的文章,以飨读者。 Building a new socialist countryside is a strategic decision made by the Fifth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee in accordance with the requirements of planning the urban and rural development. It is a major historic task for China’s modernization. The development of rural medical and health undertakings is an important part of coordinating urban and rural development and promoting social fairness. The Fifth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee pointed out that the new rural cooperative medical system is a system of medical assistance and mutual aid among peasants organized by the government, guided and supported by peasants, volunteered by peasants, raised by individuals, collectives and governments, and coordinated by serious diseases. During the deployment of the main points of economic work in 2006, the Central Economic Work Conference stressed that the building of a new socialist countryside in 2006 must have a good start. With this as a new starting point, a series of new reform measures will come forth soon. The increasingly rational public finance system will bring about a coordinated development of agriculture, rural areas, industry, cities and other aspects of the national economy, and improve the quality of life of peasants. In order to properly handle the ethical project of new rural cooperative medical system, the party committees and governments at all levels are implementing the new-type rural cooperative medical care. This issue featured the articles of Sha Yingchun, vice mayor of Ningxia Qingtongxia Municipal People’s Government and Qingli Dong, secretary of Sichuan Nanjiang county party committee, on the construction of the new rural cooperative medical system in this region.
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