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随着对中草药研究的深入发展,医药刊物上介绍运用中草药防治疾病的经验和对中草药的实验研究的文章越来越多。但有一些文章对一些草药没有注以学名,因此在推广应用这些经验方面受到了一定的影响。中草药中一物多名、同名异药特别严重,而且这种现象将不是短期能解决的。据《全国中草药汇编》记载,土黄连这味草药就有8种不同科属不同用途的品种,土荆芥、六月雪、土大黄、土黄芪也分别有5、4、5、7个不同科属不同用途的品种。如果在介绍这些草药时,不同时注以学名,就必然会给推广应用这些经验带来困难,甚至误用,严重者还会造成难以想象的后果。因此,在介绍草药的临床应用和实验研究的经验时, With the in-depth development of Chinese herbal medicine research, there are more and more articles on the experience of using Chinese herbal medicine in the prevention and treatment of diseases and experimental research on Chinese herbal medicine. However, there are some articles that do not use scientific names for some herbs, and therefore have been affected in promoting the application of these experiences. The multiple drugs with the same name in the Chinese herbal medicine are particularly serious, and this phenomenon will not be solved in the short term. According to the “National Herbal Repertory Collection,” there are eight different varieties of the medicinal herbs of Tuhuanglian with different uses. There are five, four, five, and seven different varieties of soil, ie, Nepeta, June Snow, Rhododendron, and Astragalus membranaceus. The family is a variety of uses. If these herbal medicines are introduced, using scientific names at the same time will inevitably bring difficulties and even misuse to the promotion and application of these experiences. Severe ones will also cause unimaginable consequences. Therefore, when introducing the clinical application of herbal medicine and experimental research experience,
OBJECTIVE To address the functional significance of tropoelastin isoforms, it was constructed three rat tropoelastin minigenes that constitutively encode diff
机器能否会思维?这一问题在今天越来越凸现出其深刻的哲学底蕴。什么是思维?什么是人工智能?什么是精神?精神服从物理定律吗?物理定律是什么?一系列古老而崭新的问题重新回到我们面前。  上面的疑问就其性质讲可算得上是认识论的问题了,奇怪的是现代的科学家往往对本体论、认识论特感兴趣,文章、专著一篇又一篇。霍金教授大谈宇宙大爆炸、黑洞、免费午餐与超弦理论,宇宙在那里是一个空间拓扑结构,世界从原始的大爆炸奇点
OBJECTIVE To study the development of emphysema in transgenic mice. METHODS From the constructed transgenic mice, the reverse phase high performance liquid chro
处方:山豆根一两,大青叶一两,板兰根一两。用法:每日一剂,水煎浓汁,一日内 Prescription: One or two kinds of mountain bean root, one or two big leaves, one or two B